Photo: TASS/Fabio Ferrari/Lapresse.Fabioferr/Zuma
In the Milan Opera house La Scala has canceled all performances due to the spread of the coronavirus. Events removed from the programme from Sunday evening, RIA Novosti reported.
Also in the emergency order was closed one of the city’s largest art gallery “Brera”. It is noted that the building was dominated by the visitors.
Earlier in Lombardy there have been over 100 cases of infection with coronavirus. In this regard, the Governor ordered the closure of all schools and cancel all public events, including sports.
Total number infected with a new type of pneumonia in Italy in two days reached 132 people, two residents from the virus died. The main regions of the spread of the disease remain Lombardy and Veneto.
Previously, due to the spread of the coronavirus, Turkey closed the border with Iran. The country has recorded 43 cases of infection with a new form of pneumonia, eight of which have been fatal.
the Number of people infected with coronavirus in Italy exceeded 100 people
see also
terms of the incubation period, coronaviridae China will suspend the entry into Russia from February 20