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Since then, in schools and day-care centres in lower Saxony, Schleswig-Holstein and several other German States intensified measles cases have become known, the debate around the issue of compulsory vaccination in Germany, for the umpteenth time travel. He supported mandatory measles vaccinations in schools and day-care centres, was the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), the last to know. In his Ministry, the first talks are on-going. Accordingly, it is also about the consequences for parents that don’t vaccinate their children and their school attendance to prevent.

Federal Minister for family Affairs Franziska Giffey (SPD) supports Spahn. It is not only the responsibility of each Individual for himself and his children, but also for others, so Giffey. “The state needs to act when the risk to endanger in kindergartens, schools and other institutions, fellow human beings, is not different get a handle on.”

Montgomery: “vaccination absolutely makes sense,” opinion, debate, vaccination Selfish parents must be forced to Please the measles vaccination! By Tilman Gerwien

Clear edge, Frank Ulrich Montgomery. “A compulsory vaccination in Germany from a medical-scientific point of view, makes absolute sense,” said the President of the Federal chamber of physicians in a recent Interview. The back cover gets Montgomery from the professional Association of child and youth doctors (BVKJ). “Children have a right to be immunized against potentially deadly diseases,” says BVKJ President Thomas Fischbach. And even goes a step further. Because Fischbach also calls for mandatory vaccination for rubella, diphtheria, Tetanus, polio, whooping cough, Mumps and chicken pox.

2. April: measles in Weimar – the city of cinema visitors

warning check To the measles disease, of an adult in the Thuringian town of Weimar, the health Department of the city has advised the visitors of a cinema and the University library, urgent their vaccination status. People, the on 24. March visited at 16.45 the idea in the light house cinema, could have had with the Diseased contact. The same of the University library applies to visitors, on the morning of the 27. March in the building have stopped, it says in a statement.

source: “Thüringer Allgemeine”

1. April: inlet controls at the Gymnasium in Bad Segeberg measles vaccination in children

children can be protected by a two-time vaccination to be effective against measles. Against measles is usually vaccinated in combination with Mumps, rubella, and partly chickenpox. The first vaccination should be between the age of 11. and 14. Month of life are given (but no earlier than 9 months). The second vaccination is to be exercised at the earliest four weeks after the first vaccination and at the latest at the end of the second year of life. Important: The 2. Vaccination is not a so-called “booster”, but is important for safe and complete Protection. Missed or suspended vaccinations should be made as soon as possible, to be made up.

In the on Friday evacuated the Gymnasium in Bad Segeberg was taken on the Monday of the lesson. To prevent additional measles cases, organized management of the school and the County health Department inlet controls. Such as the “NDR” is reported, had to students and staff submit their Impfausweise. Accordingly, 14 students and 12 teachers were sent home because they had forgotten the card, or not a sufficient measles Vaccination were able to demonstrate. An additional 151 students were not appeared in the school. Also in the case of the Abi-tests, beginning in Schleswig-Holstein on Tuesday, should be checked the Impfausweise. According to the head of the school school without Vaccinations have on 8. May, the Chance, the writing assessment Exam. At the Theodor-Storm-school, which had been closed on Friday due to a measles case, wants to control the Board of health, the immunisation records of students and staff starting on Tuesday.

31. March: 77 percent want a mandatory vaccination for measles

In one of the “picture on Sunday” – commissioned Emnid polls show that more than three-quarters of the respondents for a measles vaccination. 77 per cent were in favour of them – only one in five of the 506 respondents disagreed.

29. March: authority includes Gymnasium in Bad Segeberg

Because of a measles case in the Bad Segeberger dahlmann school, the health Department of the County town in Schleswig-Holstein has evacuated the high school and provisionally closed. As the school announced on the Website of the gymnasium, up to 3. April only students who can provide proof of adequate measles Vaccination. The “lübeck news” reports of another measles case. Therefore, to have also infected at the Theodor-Storm-primary school a child. The establishment had also been provisionally closed.

29. March: 150 children without the wind, Vaccination opponents blame smallpox? U.S. district calls state of emergency due to measles and imposed nightlife lock for umgeimpfte children AFP

Due to lack of immunization, three schools have excluded in the district Potsdam-mark, a total of more than 150 pupils from lessons. Twelve tots daycare in Stahnsdorf need to 7 to to. April to stay home. The parents of the children were able to a case of wind, no equivalent vaccination smallpox documents. The Constant Impfkomission recommends since 2004, a vaccination against the highly contagious infectious disease. The Robert-Koch-Institute (RKI) have been smallpox 2019 alone from Brandenburg, so far, about 100 wind cases have been reported.

source: “Potsdamer neueste Nachrichten”

27. March: Baden-Württemberg, reports three Times as many measles cases as of 2018

Also in Baden-Württemberg the authorities to register the numbers in the first quarter of the year, rising Measles. As the country health Department reports that have been sent to more than 30 diseases. In the same period of 2018, there were only ten cases. Have been reported the current disease from the Palatinate, Rastatt, Germany and the Ortenaukreis.

26. March: the Excluded student may re-attend the lessons

The 80 provisionally suspended students of the Oskar-Schindler-gesamtschule in Hildesheim, again at the instruction. Because you have to be aware of two measles no sufficient protection cases, were able to prove, were not allowed to enter your school for a time. One of the excluded girl is ill, according to information of the “NDR” in the meantime, the measles.

At two other schools in Hildesheim, a total of nine students are allowed only at the 1. April back to class. They, too, were not vaccinated against measles.

25. March: Eleven measles cases in Saxony, and the trend is rising

After the number of Masernfälle had gone back to Saxony, the last to rise since the beginning of the year, apparently. According to the Ministry of health in Dresden so far, eleven cases have been confirmed – three more than in the previous year. Other suspected cases are in the test, a speaker to the “Central German broadcasting”.

21. March: Six primary school students in Hanover, have two weeks at home In Hannover have the leisure of six students of a primary school in the district of Döhren soon. Due to the lack of measles immunization, they were excluded for 14 days from the lessons. After a measles case, the immunisation records of all students were controlled in the Region.



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