The previous day, with Vox higher in the polls, Paul Married he hardened his discourse, and said to Peter Sanchez he was interested in violence in Catalonia. In the debate this Monday, has softened that message, and tried to keep a firm tone, but less aggressive than that of Albert Rivera. Both have starred in tense rifirrafes, although they have also been united against the socialist leader in other moments of the encounter. The popular president has not wanted to get into that melee with Santiago Abascal, despite the fact that the leader of Vox himself has dedicated so many reproaches as to the representatives of the left. Sources in the party pointed out later that they expected to see Abascal “more radical” than it showed in the debate.

As he did Cayetana Álvarez de Toledo Adriana Lastra in the discussion of spokespersons, Married, he asked Pedro Sanchez on repeated occasions, “how many nationalities there are in Spain; Rivera to do so thereafter, showing a map of Spain and scolding that the point. The PP leader also asked, without success, the president in functions, up to six times, which is a commitment to ensure that it will not accept again the votes of the independents. “If we are in a repeat election is because the PP and Citizens voted against it”, said the socialist leader, who had no other options of the covenant.


So you have been told the election debate Lies and half-truths in the debate Poll Who is the winner of the debate?

The popular president stirred up the fear of the crisis and promoted the lowering bulk of the taxes that it takes in its electoral programme. The former minister of Finance, Cristobal Montoro, however, warned in an interview to THE COUNTRY a few days ago, even though he sold less, “electorally”, “can’t promise lower all taxes”. He touched upload them when it came to the Government, in 2011. Married insists this campaign more in the management than in the ideology and has been surrounded on their list of former ministers who replaced now to the signings failed in the past elections. During the debate, has shown a cover of THE COUNTRY with cuts of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, and has tried to convey that Sanchez could not solve a crisis that was minimizing.

engaged Rivera and Married for corruption, when the leader of Citizens pointed to the popular president and the socialist candidate to accuse them of the “tax of corruption of bipartisanship” that I had emptied the pockets of the spaniards. “I’ve been a year at the front of the party. You don’t can you give me lessons. A primary clean,” said Rivera, referring to the pucherazo of Castile and León. Sources of the PP pointed out later that they didn’t expect that attack to the president of Citizens.

“I would like to be in your house, look you in the eye and give you a hand”, started Married his minute gold. The PP leader, closed the debate by presenting the PP as the party of the political outcome and the only alternative to Sanchez”. When you exit the debate, said: “I’m going with the concern of not knowing if Sanchez would make a pact with the parties newly sentenced by the Supreme Court. It is inconceivable”. In the headquarters of Genoa, was waiting for him with a long applause the dome popular. The party believes that the debate, which was not the face-to-face Married I would have preferred the socialist candidate, has served to reinforce his role as the “only alternative” to the PSOE.

In the video, scuffle between Paul Married Albert Rivera on corruption. VIDEO: QUALITY


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