in a Renault Twingo to the brother-in-law of Rebecca Reusch on 18. and 19. February, between Berlin and Frankfurt / Oder to the motorway. The raspberry red Twingo, the police went through the automatic code search to the net. In Brandenburg, the System Kesy is used since 2010. Meanwhile, eleven devices are in use. In the case of Rebecca, the vehicle was recorded two Times on the highway. The public Prosecutor assumes, that only the Suspect access to the vehicle.

The police is anything other than happy, that the prosecution had made use of the system public. The spokesman for the Brandenburg police Bureau, Torsten autumn, said to the “daily mirror”: “We are pissed off that the Berlin authorities have blurted the Details of the plant and to the site. This makes us the manhunt for car thieves and other criminals.”

Spill the beans of Kesy-wanted – a worst case scenario for future cases

autumn says: “no one must reveal in such a dramatic case of the missing Rebecca other offenders sensitive investigative technique. Now all future offenders know how to behave. You will find it easier not to get caught.”

The Berlin police professional Association of “Independent” hits the same notch: “to publish The operational tactics of the police, is actually the Meltdown.”

data are uninvolved stored and evaluated

The System is extremely controversial. Used, it may only be for the so-called security. That is to say: It may only be used by vehicles in connection with a criminal Offence, a search. For example in Volatile after a Bank robbery. All other data will be deleted immediately. Actually, however, the Renault was not wanted at the time.

In Brandenburg, there is a special feature: According to a judicial decision can be read this data again and spotted. Such a procedure is covered by the law on the police of Brandenburg, but it also means that the data are not really deleted, but only access to it is blocked. Problem in the System: The vehicles will be collected only from the rear. The driver is not recognize on the recordings.

Kesy is legally controversial

The police in Brandenburg is probably not just “pissed off”, because criminals would be warned, but because such measures are legally controversial. In December, the Federal constitutional court had declared the provisions to the mark-making in the Federal States of Bavaria, Hesse and Baden-Württemberg, in part, to be unconstitutional.

The judges in Karlsruhe have not banned the flag-making as a rule. Rather, the intervention in the informational self-determination relatively.

to not agree on The Problem: Storing the data of innocent Bystanders is actually, with the right to informational self-determination. And it is precisely from this Pool the police have obtained your information, in the case of Rebecca.

The car itself is a data source

The strict data protection in Germany is making the police work easier. In countries such as the UK, only the state does not monitor the street, and numerous private installations. In the case of a criminal Offence, the police can evaluate very much more sources of information than here. Static systems, such as Kesy have only a limited Use. Newer, networked cars leave every movement of a data track, which can be evaluated in principle.

data collection in a car, spies on Board

Modern cars know almost everything about your drivers. The data can protect him. But also patronize and betrayed. Because the information is highly sought after.

kra with agencies


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