Mary Gainza (Buenos Aires, 43 years): “I don’t have too much talent, I don’t know to cook, the flowers I die, well, the girl had many stories in school, maybe yes… anyway I don’t think much of the talent, rather in obstinacy and perseverance. At my age I already have some certainties firm, but I’ve also gone vaciándome of observations sharps”. This is the description hit that makes the writer argentina of herself walking down the street towards his house, which could well be the start of another novel. After matizará what the talent naturally.

In recent times, the flower is not the only death that has confronted this writer. He also has surrounded the disease, many sticks in its wheels, “very difficult years”, but now everything has been turned around and the prize Sor Juan Inés de la Cruz for her second novel, black light (Anagram, 2018), recently reported by International Book Fair (FIL) in Guadalajara, comes to finish off the last few months of tranquillity and serenity. The delivery of the award, that distinguishes the big female names of the Spanish literature, will be the 4 of December in the capital city of Jalisco: the other reason for unease to Gainza, who is still “puzzled and frightened” before the award. Because even though you have the “self-esteem in your site”, you believe that your novel has enjoyed “lucky star”. Although neither was bad the first fiction, The optic nerve (Anagram), translated into a dozen languages, who came preceded by the essay Texts (Intellectual Capital).


love with no taboos between sor Juana Inés de la Cruz and la virreina of Mexico, The mexican poet David Huerta wins the premio FIL for Literature, “The prose is tight I find it a form of insecurity,”

The jury, composed by Giovanna Rivero, Ana García Bergua and Rogelio Guedea, has praised “the prose was lucid, impeccable, innovative, and not without its irony” of this work, frame “absorbent and almost detective-like” that is the counterfeit of art, a world that Gainza knows first-hand because it is art criticism, and on that matter he has worked as a correspondent in Argentina for the New York Times, among other publications. With this recognition, literary, argentina comes into a club they already belong to authors such as Nona Fernández, Elena Garro, Claudia Piñeiro, Almudena Grandes, Laura Restrepo, Paloma Villegas or Margo Glantz, and is delighted with it, despite the fact that there are people, who are not judges, and whose opinion he respects, who believes that this is a prize “quota”, a sort of positive discrimination. May serve as a counterpart in a world in which Gainza is presented in Wikipedia, for the knowledge of the common, as the daughter of… “Oh, we are so formatted in this way… In the end, maybe they should fix it,” he says without losing the smile.

Just a few hours after Argentina opened the polls that you have been given the power to the peronist Alberto Fernandez, the writer makes an effort to get out of the gloom habitual to the situation in Latin America: “I’m happy with the result, I hope that things will improve. I, in the end, I have the life solved, but the people here are going really bad, each day I’m getting more worried and sometimes I distress the world that suit my daughter,” he says.

“Yes, I’m happy with the votes, but not euphoric”. “I don’t have personality, militant, although there have been speeches more related, of course. I think Fernandez can be okay, but I’m already like dogs beaten in the field, which is not very close to anyone. I look at everything from a distance. Maybe I’ve become a lonely and cynical, I find it hard to believe.”

with difficulty, yes. Also have a look with rarity that you have been given “impromptu” the Sor Juana, this writer which read, “when I was a girl, romantic and lyrical. Well, maybe not so romantic”, anyway, never thought of a literary career, despite the fact that his craft, as an art critic, was to write. “Write, yes, but without faith, without hope, without anything. Not expecting this award so that I am these days as living the life of another”.

Anagram was the one who presented the nomination to the award, because they considered that Gainza “writes with a naturalness disarming, and with an intelligence that is delicious. Write about what is real and what is feigned, about art, counterfeiting and survival, with a most unusual talent. It is a brilliant writing with a compass that never fails”, says Silvia Sesé, its editor-in-Anagram.

Like many of the women who make the leap to a public sphere, Gainza facing these days concerns to appear to the cameras, answering questions, of letting other feathers that speak of his life: “I do Not have facility for interviews, I need a coach,” he laughs on the phone from Argentina. “I cannot shun my public exposure, but I prefer a low profile. Me, I’m not judging what they can do for others,” he said.


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