“We have made a Film about a gay man, an immigrant, of his life, he was, without apologizing for it. And the fact that I can take him and his story celebrate with you today, proves that we crave such stories.” With these moving words, actor Rami Malek in Los Angeles, took the Oscar as best actor. The 37-Year-old was honoured for his portrayal of Freddie Mercury in the Biopic “Bohemian Rhapsody”.
Oscars 2019, He had only saw in 2015 in his first major film role: Rami Maleks career Overview
This scene, in which all, both in the hall of the Dolby theatre as well as in front of the television devices around the world. But what happens away from the cameras, was known only later: After Malek had proudly taken the trophy, he stumbled and fell off the stage into the auditorium. As the observer reported, had taken the actor to Fall, the gold price in security, than to save his own bones.
Rami Malek wanted to save the Oscar as a self –
The actor is likely to be many spectators for the first time due to his main role in the series “Mr. Robot”, but apparently got off lightly. Security people helped him to bounce back quickly. Paramedics took care of it directly to the 37-Year-old. Whether or not this was necessary is not yet known, at least to the fall of Malek prevented not to happy about the price and to celebrate his award happy: Only a short time after the accident you saw him beaming at the After-Show-Party of the awards ceremony, the “Governors Ball”.
There, he had friends and colleagues congratulate and acted not, as he would have been seriously injured. For the Celebration of the day, he pushed, in the circle of his acquaintance with champagne. It would have been too bad, if a little mishap would have meant that he can not enjoy could have this special day of his life. “I am the son of Egyptian immigrants. I am an American of first Generation. A part of my history is written in this Moment,” he had said finally, still on the stage. A real goosebumps Moment.