At a campaign event in the U.S. state of New Hampshire, told Joe Biden, a touching story. The democratic presidential candidate told about a “young marine captain,” who have risked in the mountains of the Afghan province of Kunar his life to retrieve the lifeless body of a comrade out of a ravine.

For his heroic action of the soldier should be awarded the Silver Star – a medal of the U.S. armed forces for bravery before the enemy. But he refused the award from the then Vice-President Biden to accept, because he didn’t feel worthy of it. “As God is my witness, my word as a Biden: As he stood in front of me and I wanted him to infect the medal, he said with: ‘Sir, I want the damn thing. Please do not put it to me, Sir.” His comrade was dead, after all, he was able to save him.

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turns out now, However, The story is not true. On the basis of more than a dozen Interviews with soldiers, commanders and election officials, “the Washington Post has revealed” the fraud. “Within three minutes, Biden has distorted the period, the place, the heroism, the Art of the medal, the military rank of the recipient, as well as his own role in the ceremony,” the newspaper writes.

Joe Biden is not conscious of any wrongdoing

So Biden had visited the province of Kunar in fact, once, but in 2008, when he was still Vice-President. He has given a soldier a medal. The “marine captain” that Biden told, is in truth, an army specialist who has never received a Silver Star. Instead, he was awarded the 2014 medal of honor from then-President Barack Obama in the White house.


Joe Biden has a story about a heroic US soldiers stick together sealed, but sees nothing Wrong

©Michael Brochstein Picture-Alliance

Biden has been excellent, according to the report, but really once a soldier who did not want to accept the medal. But this happened in the province of Wardak. It was a Sergeant of the army, had tried to rescue a friend from a burning car, not a canyon. Also awarded him with Biden at the time, the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, an award of the U.S. armed forces that is awarded for outstanding achievements in combat, or particularly deserving of duty.

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“Almost every Detail” of Biden’s history ” seems to be wrong,” summarizes the “Washington Post”. The Democrat appears to have elements of at least three different stories of intertwined, which has never happened. However, Biden none of the injustice seems to be aware of. “I don’t understand why you talk about it,” he said during an event in South Carolina. “It was absolutely correct what I said”, – writes the newspaper “Charleston Post and Courier”. He didn’t tell anything, what was the essence of the story. “The story is that the soldier refused to accept the medal because the guy he was trying to save and risking his life, died.” What you have to but the place, the time, the type of the coin and the identity of the heroic soldiers of change, he said.

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