In the course of the advertising campaign for more organ donations would like to bring to the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU), the subject in the schools. A under the auspices of the German Foundation for organ transplantation erstandener initiative plan, the issue of long-term in the curriculum. “As a ruling against organ donation with the completion of the 14. Year of life, and the decision can be taken for organ donation at the age of 16 years, it is useful to start already in the school with the educational work”, – quotes the “Rheinische Post” from your present Plan.

Jens Spahn would like to organ donation as a matter of course make up

Spahn told the newspaper, the differentiated approach of different target groups in the population could help to make organ donation a matter of course to.

in addition to pupils are to be addressed, according to the report, migrants and the elderly separately. Citizens of 65 years should be informed accordingly, especially that there are for organ donation no age limit.

she / DPA


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