When it comes to Updates, can Android squint-users usually just jealous of Apple over. While devices with Google’s operating system arrive, it is often already obsolete by the customer, and Updates usually appear only late or not at all, or even a long-obsolete devices such as the iPhone 5s today, a fresh Update. And Quite surprisingly, Apple has even prepared a new Version of the long-outdated iOS 9.

The System appeared to be in 2015, the last update there was almost three years ago. It was the latest Version of the operating system, on the already 2011 in the trade come Old devices iPad 2, iPad 3 and iPhone 4s. Yesterday evening, the Update 9.3.6 on POPs now on devices with iOS 9. Also for several years obsolete, iPad 4, iPad 5, and iPhone 5 with iOS 10.3.4 a new System. But why Apple supplies all of a sudden the up to eight-year-old technology dinosaur?

Apple operating system: iOS 12: the ten hidden Features you should Fullscreen

Siri know thinks

With iOS 12 Siri learns how to properly – and helps across the System with useful suggestions. A practical example: you have missed a call and not respond, suggests Siri is now equal to the Homescreen before the recall.

©bombus creative GPS-error –

The reason is a bug in the GPS log. Already in April, has not been introduced in the satellite positioning system is a new era, allowing for many devices with a shock work correctly. Here you can learn more about it. Also the older iPhones and iPads could be affected, so Apple: Starting in November, the devices with older systems would not be able to make the correct GPS location and more. Because GPS is also used for the determination of the time, from falls may also lead to the synchronization with Apple’s iCloud and the retrieval of E-Mails.

For all other models, no such unscheduled Update is necessary: you get with iOS 12.4 a regular update. In addition to the GPS error Apple fixes 37 security vulnerabilities, and introduces a new Feature that can be used to simply wirelessly from an old iPhone to a new move. In the United States, the support for the Apple credit card “Apple Card”, as well as improvements to the News App will be added.

source: Apple

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