The police in the apartment of the Gilroy-Garlic-has-Solid-bomber searched and found traces, according to which the alleged perpetrator of the planned attack is likely to have. According to the “San Francisco Chronicle” did the investigators of both radical right-wing literature as well as Material about Islam. In addition, the officers found in the house in Walker Lake, Nevada, empty boxes of ammunition, an empty bottle of Valium, a gas mask, a knife and a Tarnrucksack.

police are trying to understand who the shooter is

it was About the motive, but the police are baffled continue to. “We try to understand who the shooter was, what motivated him and whether he stood with a certain ideology in line,” said an FBI employee at a press conference. The next step of the police was to analyze the digital media of the alleged assassin, “in order to get a holistic picture of him,” the investigator continued.


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