History 18/03/20 Baby Lubeck: why so early died the most brilliant children
Christian Friedrich Heineken from a small town in the North of Germany went down in history as the most brilliant child ever born on earth. According to legend, he met the king and was fluent in several languages, but was not able to celebrate their fifth birthday.
IQ Test
If Christian had to pass an IQ test, then the result probably would have exceeded 180. However, he was not autistic. Like a sponge, boy absorbed knowledge from various fields, not limited to one subject. It has not been closed and is communicated with the men by hitting them their inferences and harmony of speech. To ten months (according to others – to two months) the baby didn’t like Gurukul peers, and was built to articulate the proposals.
The Christian year by heart quoting biblical Pentateuch. Two years studied the history of the world and without hesitation have listed the most important geographical discoveries.
He learned French, became interested in a “dead” language, mastered Latin. At the age of three years moved on to math and science, then religious studies. His favorite reading became the illustrated encyclopedia Latin for “Sensual picture of the world” Jan Amos Comenius, whose little boy was reading until late at night. Little fidget loved to talk about the virtues of the Rhenish wine, or discuss the genealogy of the ancient German names.
Christian Heineken was the second child, while his older brother lived to a ripe old age and followed in the footsteps of their parents, linking his life with art. Parents Prodigy were quite ordinary individuals. Father – an unknown architect and a mediocre artist’s mother sold pieces of art in his shop. The boy’s education was entrusted at first to the nurse-nurse – hard and imperious woman who would not tolerate objectionsproposals and believed that knows exactly how to raise children. Her methods of teaching according to the principle “I sing what I see” is unlikely to have influenced the development of the amazing abilities of the baby.
Woe from wit
the Eyes of the audience of students and professors of the gymnasium of Lubeck widened when a three year old toddler climbed up on the chair.
Kid began his report with a biographical sketch of the Roman emperors and the Israeli rulers, and then turned the topic towards the unusual geography of the country and the peculiarities of the human skeleton.
Chain of evidence hit logicality, while Christian skillfully “juggling” with data from different fields of science.
the Fame of the unusual boy quickly spread around, so frequent visitors of the house (mainly Bohemians) wanted to see the miracle with my own eyes. Regular visits and “work” the audience was very exhausting Prodigy, but has gained authority and popularity of his parents.
According to American psychologist Years of Stetter Hollingworth, child geniuses are often just not emotionally ready to tackle serious philosophical and ethical issues, and it leads to tragedies – from the madness to early death.
a New sensation at the court
a Bored Royal court was glad of the new fun – a little boy who did not hesitate to answer questions and harmony of thinking surpassed many learned men.
the popularity of the boy reached the yard, and the parents hardly wanted to miss the unique opportunity to appear in high society.
Despite the fact that the Christian body has already started to protest against such heavy loads – the baby was sick and could barely take notes, the parents took him to Copenhagen. Throughout the year the kid had again and again, to surprise adults uncles and aunts. One of his first lectures were attended by the king, who called a miracle child “miraculum sa” (in Latin “phenomenon, a miracle”). The boy passionately swordtal to meet the main man of the Kingdom, with which the know-it-all planned to share the fruits of their own scientific research. According to one legend it was written by him the history of Denmark, on the other – the navigation map.
a Fateful decision
the House as Christian began to deteriorate rapidly. He barely slept and ate poorly, constantly complained of body aches and headache, capricious, every hour I asked him to wash and change clothes.
In the opinion of the modern doctors, the boy could suffer from celiac disease associated with disruption of the digestive and allergic to proteins contained in the cereals.
the Courtiers doctors recommended a diet that could have saved the boy’s life: a low-fat soups, sugar and beer. But mother was so afraid to “upset” the nurse, who believed that the best and only food for her pupil – porridge that chose not to change anything. Still the visitors refused, and they tickled his curiosity at the bedside of a dying child.
When the child’s body was covered with edema, he almost stopped to get out of bed.
a few days before the death of the baby is philosophically uttered in Latin: “Life is smoke.”
For several weeks from all around flocked “indifferent” to the last time to see lying in a coffin is a miracle child, with the parents carefully recorded the names of all the influential persons, who came into the Church.
Could the “infant of Lubeck,” to live a long and happy life? And who is to blame for his early death: the vain parents, the nurse and her views on diet, nature, giving Christian an excessive thirst for knowledge, which simply could not master the child’s body? If he was born in our time, the tragedy probably could have been avoided, but history, as we know, does not tolerate the subjunctive mood.
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