the Indonesian coast has been washed a dead whale. In his stomach 115 plastic cups, four plastic have been found bottles, 25 plastic bags, nylon bag, two flip-flop sandals, and more than 1,000 other plastic parts, such as the head of the national Park of Wakatobi, Heri Santoso, said. Overall, the garbage have weighed 5.9 kg.

forces had discovered the dead sperm whale, therefore, on Monday evening, on the island of Wakatobi in the province of Sulawesi. The animal was male, and nearly ten meters long.

Due to the advanced decomposition state of the dead animal should be buried without further post-mortem examination.

marine pollution of plastic waste in the sea

80 percent of the plastic waste that ends up in the oceans come from Land. There are 260 million tons are produced each year. The Federal environment Agency lists, how much the estimated and the sea. For the EU, the environmental consultant Alexander Potrykus has been investigated in a study, what kind of waste the waste statistics of the European seas leads: plastic bags and bottles.

But not always, the Figures for waste deposits in the sea clearly: In your Blog, the science journalist Anja Krieger published Figures on the amounts of Waste in the ocean, which vary depending on the source.

Even if the Dimension of the problem is difficult to grasp, are scientists about the consequences of the legal agreement. Several studies, such as UNEP, or on behalf of the environmental organization Greenpeace created, are evidence of the environmental hazard posed by plastic waste.


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