Photo: AP Photo/Kathy Willens
In the United States because of the coronavirus passed away, the couple after 51 years of marriage, according to “Gazeta.ru”.
Stewart Baker and Adrian Baker died on the same day within six minutes. As told by their son, his 74-year-old father and 72-year-old mother had good health but last month they diagnosed mild pneumonia. Then their condition deteriorated, and in the hospital they discovered coronavirus infection.
a Couple hooked up to artificial lung ventilation (ALV). They were in the same ward. When their condition deteriorated, relatives of the spouses decided to disconnect them from the ventilator.
According to the latest who data, the world has already recorded more than 1.13 million cases of infection, almost 63 thousand people died.
the United States are currently the leader in the number of detected threats COVID-19. According to the Johns Hopkins University, in a country marked by more than 300 thousand cases of infection. Killed more than 8,1 thousand people.
the focus of the spread coronavirus infection COVID-19 became new York. According to the latest figures, the death toll from pneumonia is a new type of city has increased to 2 thousand 935 people. Just in the city revealed more than 100 thousand cases of infection.
Earlier, Donald trump announced that he intends to attract a large number of military to fight against the coronavirus. He stressed that one thousand military medics will be sent to new York.
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