Image: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow/Roman Vasilyev
a New draft law “On the consumer basket” can be submitted to the State Duma by the spring, this assumption voiced in the broadcast news Agency “national news service” the head of the Committee for labour and social protection of the state Duma Yaroslav Nilov.
In his opinion, the law as it stands at the moment the form allows to speak about the decline of the subsistence minimum. Therefore, said Nilov, the law “On consumer basket” needs to be reconsidered.
“Sounds weird, when the background of General rise in price reduces the cost of living. Blame the law “On consumer basket”, which is painted the food part of it specifying the quantity of meat, fish, eggs. Until we revise the basket, nothing will change. But it must be done for a long time”, – said Nilov.
in addition, he noted that when calculating the consumer basket it is necessary to consider not only the cost of food, but also on services, mobile communications and the Internet.
“Good value, but when the cost of living is able to provide only biological survival, not a normal life, there are many questions. You need to review the cart in the direction of increasing part of the costs”, – said Nilov.
Earlier, the Ministry of labor of the Russian Federation proposed to establish a living wage for the IV quarter of 2019 at 10 609 rubles per capita, 11 510 rubles for the working population, 8 788 rubles – for pensioners and 10 of 383 rubles – for children. These figures in the bill were explained by the reduction in the cost of food (mainly vegetables) that are used when calculating the subsistence minimum.
the basket will revise by 2024
see also
Putin suggested to add vegetables and fruits in the basket