Image: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow/Evgeny Samarin
In the State Duma introduced a bill on pilot legal regime in Moscow for the development of artificial intelligence with major IT companies. About it reports Agency “Moscow” with reference to the member of the Duma Committee on state construction and legislation, the author of the bill Irina Belykh (“United Russia”).
White said that the bill calls for the city of experiment setup the experimental legal regime in order to create conditions for the development of technologies of artificial intelligence. According to her, it lasts five years.
the Deputy noted that, also in the framework of the bill proposed to empower the Supreme Executive body of state power of a subject of the Russian Federation the authority to determine in the city conditions, requirements and procedures for the development, creation, installation and implementation of selected technologies of artificial intelligence.
In turn, Chairman of the Commission on technology for the Smart city the Public chamber of Moscow Ilya massukh said that recently Vladimir Putin has signed the decree about the use of artificial intelligence.
“In many sectors of the economy and public life is often taken and does this kind of normative, according to which personal presence and human interaction with it. The most obvious is the history of medicine,” – said Massukh.
He added that the achievements of modern technologies is in the field of education. Massukh explained that some of the actions of the teacher are able to perform computer. However, for this to work legally, you need to “change normative”, said the expert.
“If we want to dramatically introduce an artificial intelligence, it is necessary to change them. But while artificial intelligence is required to use as a complement to man” – said Massukh.
the Chairman agreed that to write the diagnosis patsientu needs a living person, however, he believes that artificial intelligence is able to perform tasks of a physician in other matters.
In October last year the Russian President signed a decree approving the national “strategy of development of artificial intelligence for the period up to 2030”. A significant part of the document dedicated to the creation of a favourable legal environment for the development of high technology, including artificial intelligence.
In December on the 15th a large press conference Vladimir Putin said that the Russian achievements in the field of artificial intelligence ordinary citizens can see in the banking sector. The head of state noted that without modern technology, the government “can not hold a huge territory” of the country.
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