life in German cities can be expensive. International cities are just as important. Every year the company Mercer publishes a list of the most expensive cities in the world. A total of 209 cities have compared the consultant. For material and immaterial goods that were analysed, but also factors such as price stability and Inflation into account. The Ranking is intended to serve primarily companies and organizations that want to move abroad or employees there want to send.
That Asian cities are among the most expensive, is not surprising. Only three States in the Top 10 are in Asia. On court 1, the metropolis of Hong Kong is as in the previous year. Also place 2 remains unchanged from the previous year with Tokyo. Location 3 is occupied this year in Singapore.
The largest, almost dramatic changes in Africa, and Turkmenistan. Last year, the capital of Angola, Luanda, was still on 6th place. The slipped now 26 and no longer the most expensive city in Africa is thus. This is now N’Djamerna, the capital of Chad. This was a fast-paced new entry: Asgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, shot from 43rd to 7th place. She is in the Top Ten of the most expensive cities in the world
How does it happen? The prices for safe Housing and imported products are driving the cost of living in the height. Both countries earn on Oil. The gap between the Poor and the rich in the cities are particularly large.
The ten most expensive cities for expatriate 2019Hongkong (placement in the previous year: 1)Tokyo, Japan (2)Singapore (4)Seoul, Korea (5)Zurich, Switzerland (3)Shanghai, China (9)Asgabat, Turkmenistan (43)Beijing, China (9)New York City, United States (13)Shenzhen, China (12)
Just for comparison. German cities in the Ranking are relatively far to the rear. Munich is on place 67. Frankfurt on rank 74, Berlin 81 and Hamburg on square 100.