History 28/02/20 In some cases, Russian soldiers fraternized with the Germans in the First world
the First mass of the cessation of hostilities from both the warring sides spontaneously initiated by the military, occurred during the First world war. Command didn’t approve of fraternization with the soldiers of other armies, because this process often razlagalsa acted on military discipline.
the Reason could be religious holidays
According to the study’s leading researcher of the Center of military history of Russia of Institute of Russian history of Sergey Bazanov, the first case of mass fraternization of soldiers the opposing sides in the First world occurred in December 1914 – at the initiative of Pope Benedict XV on Christmas, a temporary truce was arranged British and German soldiers. Moreover, contrary to the order of the command of both armies – the Pope had sent a similar request to the governments of the UK and Germany, and support is not met.
Between Russians and Germans first fraternization happened on Easter, in April 1915.
the Russian And Anglo-French military high command in the troops sent out circulars on the prevention of cases of fraternization with the Germans. But the officers did not know how a spontaneous manifestation of this “friendship” to end, so any serious methods of punishment brutalise during the First world never developed.
What was happening during these “meetings”
Noting the occasion, the Germans and the British, after a mutual spontaneous cessation of hostilities, at first dragged along to Christmas songs (the position of the opposing troops were close), and then a few groups of soldiers from both sides in the neutral zone started to give each other Christmas gifts. In addition, opponents staged a public worship for the funeral service of fallen soldiers and officers. There have been cases that during the fraternization the British and the Germans even held a joint football matches.
the Russian had changed the Germans on alcohol products in the Russian army were dry. There was an exchange and personal belongings – the pouch, the flasks and other necessary soldier a trifle.
According to S. N. Bazanova, often an invitation for fraternization ended for the soldiers of the opposing army captured. For example, during one such Passover “friendly meetings” in 1916, the Germans captured more than 100 Russian soldiers.
By the end of the war, the process has become rampant
according to Sergey N. Bazanov, fraternization between Russians and Germans in the First world to a certain extent contributed to the collapse of the Russian army, already affected anti-war sentiments. After the February revolution, Germany and Austria-Hungary on the Eastern front specially initiated numerous cases of fraternization of the soldiers of their armies with the Russians. Among brutalise was a German and Austrian intelligence officers who “under the guise of” agitating the Russians about the need to depose the Provisional government.
according to historical documents, during the First world war in Switzerland, Lenin actively and publicly supported the brotherhood, believing that they – the forerunner of the civil war, which, in turn, should contribute to the final overthrow of the ruling classes. On returning to Russia, Lenin published in Pravda an article “the Significance of fraternisation”. Subsequently, the main organ of the Bolsheviks printed about two dozen publications in support of fraternization.
As fraternized the great Patriotic
the great Patriotic war if and fraternized, with the civilian population that is not encouraged nor command of the red army, or senior officers of the allied armies. Eisenhower forbade the right of American soldiers and officers to establish informal relations with the civilian population of Germany. However, these prohibitions are universally violated. Examples of “fraternization” on the great Patriotic war was expressed mainly in oboudostoronne cohabitation voennosluzhASIC with the female in the occupied territories.
the Most famous case of fraternization allies – the so-called “meeting on the Elbe” in April 1945, when troops of the 1st Ukrainian front met with troops of the 1st U.S. army. This historic event was widely reflected in documentaries and feature films.
Nicholas Syromyatnikov
© Russian Seven
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