History 24/03/20 In some cases in the USSR, innocent people were executed
the Judicial system in the USSR often faltered. Often instead of those, who should really be punished, arrested and executed innocent or not associated with a specific crime people.
Why was the cost some people lives? The reason lies in the working of the judicial mechanism. The planning system in the Soviet Union demanded the closure of a certain number of criminal cases during the reporting period.
Crimes that are not revealed for a long time, attracted special attention of the top management of the Ministry of interior. If the case was kind of loud, have excited the General public, then watched it already the party leadership.
not to get the hat for the “visyaki” not be denied the opportunity of promotion and awards, the investigators did everything imaginable and unimaginable, looking for real criminals. When it didn’t, they “hang” these unsolved crimes on a more or less suitable candidates.
Only from 1962 to 1990 in the USSR were executed about 21,000 people. But how many of them were really guilty? Confession beaten out sometimes by physical methods. On some facts testifying to innocence of the suspect to the crime, intentionally turned a blind eye.
a Thief should sit in jail!
“Vitebsk maniac” Gennady Mihasevich committed his first murder in 1971. In this case for eight years that was under investigation, was sentenced to 14 people. Murder was not seen as a serial. In jail were people who didn’t have an alibi, either accidentally associated with the victims or the place where they discovered the bodies.
So, for ten years been convicted one Glushakov, who gave false testimony under threats. In 1979, for the murder of the girl was convicted lovers TERENA Nikolai and Lyudmila Kadushkina. Terenu sentenced to RAStrela. Kadushkina also incriminated himself and his friend and received a total of 15 years for “voluntary” recognition.
In the case of TERENA and Kadoshkino visible pattern common to many investigations of the time. First, the case of “Schily” for those who were not very law-abiding and was a worthy representative of Soviet society. Nikolay and Lyudmila was repeatedly convicted and was caught stealing. At the same time they “trailer” added another murder. It was a great opportunity for investigators to increase the percentage of detection. Depended on the premiums.
And a thief, and a lunatic
In the case of another serial killer, Nicholas Fefilova, too, is the innocent victim of the thief — George Khabarov, just released from prison. He was taken in as a suspect because he courted one of the victims Fefilova. Michael, as TERENA and Kadushkina, liked to drink and never worked. Moreover, he suffered from mental retardation.
By default, the investigators decided that a normal man would not rape and kill girls. So blame people with mental disabilities. George was sentenced to the Supreme penalty — death.
Mikhail Titov – one of those accused in the killings perilously girls. It also consisted on the account in a psychoneurological clinic. About how the investigators tried to obtain his confession, says that he died in a prison hospital a month and a half after his arrest from broken bones, fractures and hemorrhages of internal tissues and organs. Head of the detention center was dismissed, no criminal cases against him was not filed.
Alexander Kravchenko was executed for the murders committed by Andrei Chikatilo. Kravchenko did before that, six years for the fact that in the Kherson region have committed rape and murder of minors, and was released in 1976. In 1978 in Kherson were found a female corpse. Because, in the first place, the investigators have tested the version with the repeat offenders, and Kravchenko lived near meone hundred crimes, he again fell under suspicion.
Interestingly, Kravchenko not immediately arrested – his alibi was confirmed by the wife. It happened only a month later. Alexander caught stealing: stolen things were found in his house, he did those crimes. A few days after his arrest, he took and murder and was sentenced to capital punishment. The wife also changed her story — she was intimidated, that it will go as an accessory to murder.
Several times Kravchenko filed an appeal, but courts of different instances had returned the case for further investigation, replaced the death penalty of 15 years in a strict regime. She was sentenced in July of 1983 was implemented, it was necessary to close the case.
Beatings, threats, harassment and humiliation suffered by prisoners awaiting trial in jail, they were forced to slander themselves. And the real criminals in this time continued to create lawlessness, using the imperfection of the judicial-legal mechanism in the Soviet Union.
“Rig” for capital
People developed socialism did not have to think about your well-being. Capitalist tendencies were punished in the Soviet Union to the fullest extent of the law, but it was hard. And the government itself did not disdain to commit a crime in order to demonstrate the severity of the law.
this demonstration began in 1961, the process of the money changers Rokotov and Faibishenko. During the arrest Rokotova seized 12 kg gold bars, 440 gold coins, jewellery that he hid in the Luggage storage at Leningrad railway station. Faibishenko at the time of arrest if you currently have 148 gold English pounds, and on the home leg of the wardrobe, they found a currency of almost 500 000 rubles.
In accordance with the applicable law of that time schemers were given eight years in prison. However, N. Khrushchev demanded stricter measures. Rokotova-Oblique, Faybishenko to Ruddy and even one of a large speculator in foreign currency – Yakovlev-the Dim Dimych – the measure of restraint was changed to higher although the Penal code stated that the law is not retroactive and current changes in legislation do not affect a previously imposed sentence. Yakovlev, received a package from Finland with a smuggled consignment of gold watches, also fell under “action”, despite the fact that actively cooperated with the investigation and was ill with tuberculosis. All three were shot on the grounds that the will of the people.
Such a glaring injustice can not be called a mistake – all three broke the existing rules of law – but this case demonstrates why the USSR no one believed in a fair trial and why the meeting with the police did not promise anything good.
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