Russia is developing three vaccines against coronavirus, said Vice-President, head of the section of biomedical Sciences, RAS academician Vladimir Chekhonin.
According to him, on the basis of biological faculty of Lomonosov Moscow state University are working on a prototype multivalent vaccine COVID-19. It would work against a broad spectrum of coronaviruses, not only from the present. The development is led by the academician Mikhail Kirpichnikov.
in addition, the Institute of Bioorganic chemistry named after Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov, under the leadership of academician Alexander Habibova develop a modern high-tech coronavirus vaccine based on virus-like particles using recombinant protein fragments of the coronavirus.
Chekhonin Also drew attention to the work at the Institute of General genetics, Vavilov. It is led by Professor Kozlov. The vaccine has on its surface three proteins of the coronavirus. This will help to create a multivalent vaccine.
in addition, Chekhonin told about the existence in Russia of three drugs that can be useful in the treatment of COVID-19.