the President Declared the “output” week for the soldiers of Regardie will be held as usual. Service law enforcement breaks and weekends knows. As reported “MK” the press-service of the Main Department of Regardie in Moscow taking up the service the staff provided with necessary PPE. The task of asguardian – prevention and suppression of offenses, priority – the protection of property and public security at subway stations and railway stations of Moscow. Patrols will still continue prevention outreach to senior citizens.
Employees of Regardie who are responsible for trafficking of arms, changed the order of work because of a virus. In order to protect and preserve the health of citizens and employees all requests for the provision of public services in the sphere of circulation of civilian weapons and private security are accepted exclusively in electronic form via the Single portal of public services. Full-time admission is by appointment only. The officers licenses and permits of and visitors measures the temperature. Reception of citizens is carried out in protective masks and gloves. In all Metropolitan departments of Regardie mandatory medical examination of the personnel before and after the service.
Mar 27, in Russia celebrated the Day of Regardie. Law enforcement officers were congratulated by the President.