Image: portal of the mayor and government of Moscow/Denis Grishkin
In a Moscow hospital the patient died 90 years with coronavirus infection. It is reported by the Operational headquarters on control and monitoring of the situation with coronavirus in Moscow.
“In one of the Moscow hospitals has died the patient, who was confirmed the diagnosis of pneumonia and received positive tests for coronavirus infection. 90-year-old patient suffered from chronic cerebral ischemia, encephalopathy and parkinsonism”, – stated in the message.
Oberstab recalls the necessity of adherence to isolation for the elderly and persons with chronic diseases.
March 25, Vladimir Putin has declared the period from 30 March to 3 April hours with pay. The decision was taken in connection with the need to prevent the threat of the rapid spread of the coronavirus in the country.
In connection with the nonworking week from 28 March to 5 April in the capital halted work, restaurants, cafes, bars, canteens and other public catering enterprises. The same applies to retail facilities.
in the world, according to the who, recorded over 570 cases of infection with coronavirus. In Russia contracted the coronavirus 1534 of the patient.
Moscow Residents will be able to spend a week of vacation together with the cultural centres and museums
see also
the Doctors older than 65 years retain concessionary travel in the city transportable 166 thousand people in Russia are under observation because of the Story coronavirus:Coronavirus COVID-19