Since then, he had failed to comply with several requests to get in touch with an expert for the investigation, such as the Stuttgart public Prosecutor announced on Thursday. The man should not continue to cooperate, threatens him, therefore, a pick-up by the police. Previously, the Stuttgarter Zeitung &quot had"; and "Stuttgarter news" reported.

racers gave chase with the police

The man had overtaken the Swiss justice Ministry, according to a 2014 several times with much too high a speed in the Gotthard Tunnel in Switzerland. Part with a Tempo of 200, he delivered a car chase with the police – were allowed on this stretch of 120 kilometres an hour. A Swiss court sentenced him in absentia to imprisonment for a term of 30 months, of which he should serve 12 months. The higher regional court of Stuttgart ruled this spring that the husband must serve his sentence in Germany.

Actually, it should have already been sitting since the beginning of June in prison. Now the Prosecutor’s office will not tolerate any longer be deferred: by the end of September, they assigned him to the departure again, a date for a detention. If this deadline may be passed, a spokesman for the authority wanted to make. In this case, the man by the police could be picked up at home and taken to prison. You should not find him there, will issue an arrest warrant against him, and he’ll put out an APB.

In the FOCUS Online/Glomex Blitzer trick: What and allowed kah/dpa is prohibited


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