History 19/03/20 Ilya Starinov: how to fight the best Soviet spy of the great Patriotic
Ilya Grigorievich Starinov was born on 2 August 1900 in the village of Voynovo in Orel region. The boy’s father worked as a travelling crawler. Grigori Starinov often took the boy to work. Once Starinov, Sr. during the night shift noticed that the busted rails. To the driver just noticed the red signal, Gregory put on rails firecrackers and setting fire to them. Bright explosions of firecrackers startled the boy, and perhaps it is these childhood memories have influenced the choice of profession.
Starikovich were a family of 8 people lived in poverty, in a small booth. In the early twentieth century about such as Starinova, said: “they have nothing to lose except its chains”. Therefore, the October revolution Starinova met favorably, and Ilya Starinov joined the Red army. June 18, 1918, he was sent to the 20th regiment of the 3rd infantry division, under the command Solodukhina. After a month of learning Starinov fought on the southern front against Kornilov troops. Near the town of Korocha, in the province of Kursk was captured by white. During the escort the prisoners appeared, the Cossacks who decided to brand prisoners with stars on their backs. In the village decide the fate of the prisoners was the local priest – someone send in the red army, who works in a mine, and whom to denounce and shoot. Most could be affected by those who did not have cross on the neck. Ilya Starinov cross was not, but that evening and the priest did not come. That night the prisoners escaped.
In September 1921, Starinov was sent to study at the Voronezh school of military railway technicians, a year later was appointed head of the demolition command of the 4th regiment of the train Korosten, which is located in Kiev. In 1923 he went to study at the Leningrad school in the same specialty. After graduation he built the railway Orsha – Lepel, was also involved in the training of future pTravnikov at the Kyiv school kochegarova.
the Years of study of the future of the saboteur raining until may 1935. Then he graduated from the Military Academy of the transport.
during the civil war, he drew attention that “infernal machine” to undermine the Railways are very large and clumsy, so inefficient. In the 1920-ies is developing a portable mine which later became known as “the mine train Starinov”. Mines of this type will be the most effective weapon in the hands of the guerrillas. For its development Ilya Starinov received the degree of candidate of technical Sciences. At the same time, in the 1920’s, Starinov came up with a way to neutralize the saboteurs who plan the bombings of the bridges. Booby-traps were installed on the bridge and exploded at the entrance to the building. One booby trap deafened person, but didn’t.
In the late 1920-ies Ilya Starinov were creating a mine and explosive protections on the border of the Soviet Union. It has attracted as an expert in the investigation of cases of sabotage on the Railways. Since 1929, Ilya Starinov starts training commandos underground.
the Civil war in Spain
In 1936 Starinov was sent to Spain, where civil war was going on. He acted in Teruel, and Zaragoza, near Madrid, and Barcelona – trained guerrillas mine blasting work, the tactics and techniques of sabotage, independently prepared and sabotage operations. In Spain he met his wife, the translator Obruchev. Starinov worked under the alias Rodolfo. During the “trip” Starinov has developed and implemented more than 200 sabotage operations. In February 1937, Rodolfo was taken prisoner by two soldiers of Franco’s army, who testified, when will be the train with the Italian pilots who were sent by Mussolini to help Franco. Starinov laid explosives under the railway track, and Franco’s army did not wait for the help of Mussolini. Some time later, in the same way was destroyed by Moroccan cavalry Franco.
Rodolfo was not only preoshadny a saboteur, but also a talented teacher. Students Starinov could for one minute until the train to mine ways and brilliantly conducted operations under the guidance of master Starinov. A Soviet spy could make mine even out of the bus, which did not attract the attention of the guards. The locomotive that pulled the train with ammunition, caught the bus and in the tunnel exploded. There exploded and ammunition for several days. Transport artery of Franco were neutralized for a few weeks.
Soon Starinova set a new task – to blow up the walls of the monastery, which became a fortress for the rebels. Rodolfo remembered the legend of the Trojan horse, and applied it in practice. Around the walls of the monastery there was a mule which was cropping grass. The rebels decided that the mullahs will come in handy on the farm, and took him to himself. The next day Rodolfo has released another mule, which this time was loaded with Luggage with explosives. As soon as the mule was inside the monastery walls, the bomb detonated.
At this time, the Soviet Union began the Great terror. Colleagues, friends, commanders Starinov was shot. Shot the person who prepared the documents for submission Starinov the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
Great Patriotic war
28 Jun 1941 Ilya Starinov was appointed to the post of chief of the operational group of the booms on the Western front. In his possession were 5 battalions and 5 operational groups. They were setting up roadblocks, mined Railways and roads, and buildings in the area inside of Kharkiv and Kharkiv. Group Starinov destroyed the headquarters of the 68th infantry division of Lieutenant General George von Braun, blew up on a mine, Lieutenant-General of Banneker. In November 1941, the team Starinov with the remote bomb blows up a building in Kharkiv, where settled the German command. A bomb detonated by radio signals in Voronezh.
If, during the civil war in Spain was conducted more than 200 operations in the Great Patrioticing the war even more – it is difficult even to count how many. Only operations to blow up bridges it was more than 250.
In 1942, the Ukrainian partisans misled 200 enemy trains, and when they started to run the old boy, more than 3500. During the war, Ilya Starinov has prepared 5 thousand partisans, the disciples of the great saboteur was and the Soviet people, and the Spanish, and Yugoslavian, Polish.
After the war, Colonel Starinov got the position of Deputy chief of 20-th control of the railway troops in Lviv. He helped to clear the railway track, assisted in the restoration, and took part in the fight against Bandera.
After the war, Starinov was transferred to Moscow. In Moscow, the saboteur worked in the Central party archive and the Military archives of the KGB. In November 1945, Colonel Starinov got the position of Deputy chief of 20-th control of the railway troops in Lviv. He helped to clear the railway track, assisted in the restoration, and took part in the fight against Bandera. Nine years later, in 1956, Ilya Starinov retired.
a Year later, Starinov was promoted to senior researcher of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism, took part in writing the six-volume about the great Patriotic war. Taught the tactics of sabotage on Courses to improve officers.
Awards: order of October revolution, order of Friendship of peoples, order of the Patriotic war, 2 orders of Lenin, 5 orders of the red banner, 29 medals.
the Contribution to military theory and practice
Development Starinov in the 1920-ies has been widely used in the Spanish civil war and the great Patriotic war. In his sketches was mass production in factories mines. Train mines Starinov was ranked first for efficiency.
Produced many guerrilla cadres of the higher echelon: General-major Ljubomir Ilic, chief of staff of the Polish partisan movement, Alexander Zawadzki, major-General Ivan Harish and many others. Trained by Starikovym instructure trained more than 1000 people.
the Curious fact that long before modern events Starinov’s book, “guerrilla war” wrote that future armed conflicts will be held in local form, using the tactics of guerrilla warfare.
When in 1994 the First Chechen campaign, Starinov criticized the actions of the armed forces. He talked about the fact that you cannot use the achievements of previous years against the terrorists, because they are already outdated. “Grandfather of the spetsnaz” to develop interventions capture of terrorists, based on his experience, but these plans remained unrealized.
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