The nine-year-old Milena has a dream, since she is three. She wants to be a Ballerina, as she saw it in a movie. But ballet in a Favela? With poor parents without a steady Job? And in these years of severe crisis?

Also, Biel / Bienne, 9, has a dream. He would like to learn Capoeira, the Afro-Brazilian martial arts. And once playing football with real goals and nets and a coach.

And Duda, 10, grew up without parents, with a grandmother, has a big dream. You want to learn English. And computer science at a real Computer, it doesn’t exist in their small hut. But the greatest desire of three friends is currently different: no shots more. No drug war in their Favela Vidigal.

“Ser Alzira de Aleluia” are the children of the

It’s a stormy Monday in the Brazilian late in the summer. The three friends play cards behind the protective walls of the charity organization “Ser Alzira de Aleluia ends”. The day in Vidigal has begun again, with shootings, and the children know the difference only too well: As the volleys of the drug gangs guns, often from the AR-15. And the shots of the police, often rapid-fire weapons. And in between cannon shots that a scout is usually as old as themselves – before the raids, the police warn.

A normal Morning in Vidigal, one of 1200 slums in the Twelve-million metropolis of Rio de Janeiro.

“We are shootouts used to,” says Duda. “For two years now.”

“We want to put on the floor and behind the walls,” explains expertly the small Biel.

“must bats pay attention to especially in front of the cross,” advises Milena.

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IBAN DE90 2007 0000 0469 9500 01 – BIC DEUTDEHH – keyword “Brazil”;

In the premises of the organization Ser of the friends in security. You come to learn and realize their big dreams. There are free courses for English, computer science, Dance. There is even a ballet Studio, a library and a sports field with its high walls and painted by an artist from the Netherlands colorful.

For 122 children is the three-storey building on the mountain as a second home – especially if the Play is on the road again, too dangerous, or the school fails. And you won’t pay a Centavo for it. The parents could not afford it.

Ser is such a thing as a training centre of the Favela. And The Protection Of The Bunker. And The Municipal House. A place where children’s dreams become a reality.

“education is the only way out of poverty”

If all goes well, it should run in the threes later in life, as in the case of Antônio de Aleluia, 68, the founder of Ser. Powered once of his grandmother, Alzira de Aleluia, a illiterate, he is the first Black from Vidigal to make the leap to College and became a Professor of engineering.


Milena, 9, wants to be a Ballerina, in the premises of the Ser there is also a ballet Studio. But of course, she also learns for the school.

©Conceicao de Souza

“Now we want the Same thing for all the children Vidigals,” he says. “Education is the only way out of poverty. And the best antidote to violence. Who learns a lot, and the Uni will never get in with the Gangs.”

Aleluia between heavy cement bags on the rocky slope. He built here a home Museum to tell the story Vidigals, the sprawling Favela, high above the sea. He also establishes a training center to be trained in the young people technicians will be to old nurses, chefs, craftsmen. “Many must work as day laborers for minimum wage, 998 Reais in the month,” he says, 220 Euro. “With a good education, you would earn enough to feed the family and at the same time role models for the next Generation.”

Aleluia and his wife, Dona Elma, 61, derive Ser for 15 years. You are the good soul of Vidigals. You do everything in your own initiative and life of small donations and the help of some Volunteers. In addition to the input from the Ser, you have written your Motto: “A child, a teacher, a work Desk and a pencil can change the world.”


Biel a passion for the martial arts of Capoeira and football

©Conceicao de Souza

Dona Elma bags draws full of fruit and vegetables from their small truck. You and your husband are constantly in the service of the children’s on-the-go, get food donations, organize lectures, provide psychological assistance for families. For Milena, you will have a scholarship in the best ballet Studio in the city. Duda you are looking for a place at a private school. The Aleluias get hold of for your children for free places in Unikursen and language institutions that are, otherwise, only the well-to-do white students to access.

you don’t want to rest until every child Vidigals believes in the future.

Brazil’s President facilitates access to weapons

By the state, you can’t expect much. The new President of Jair Bolsonaro has said often enough disparagingly about black people in poor neighborhoods. He has also facilitated access to weapons, what is seen in competitive places like Vidigal with great concern.

Brazil prior to the election of a woman Rios children, in spite of the crisis, a future Christoph Wiechmann

But this is already an example of this is Jan, how can engaged citizens with targeted donations – without support from the state. By using the Foundation’s star of the Aleluias want to offer soon to vocational training, the rooms are already finished. You want to carry out in addition, new classes in Samba and Capoeira, the Afro-Brazilian traditions, to young people at risk from the Gangs to keep away. The poorest families to help with meals. “But for all that, my income is not enough, we desperately need donations,” says Professor Aleluia.

His big dream, the creative heart of the district is to be a center of innovation, “”. With volunteers from Overseas who not only teach languages and computer science, but also environmental technology. “You could help us to solve the enormous problems of the Favela – garbage, sewage, Erosion. In return, they learn something about our rich culture of Samba, Capoeiras, carnival.

“I want to Wake up without shots,”

The next day a heavy storm over Rio goes down for the third Time this year. The three friends Duda, Milena and Biel are in the solid building of the Ser in security. But the water floods on the mountain with tear, again boulders and trees, trigger landslides, and destroy the new sports field of Ser. During the storm in February in Vidigal all were Huts and people swept along. Two residents died as a result of a Bus crashed.


class room, dance hall, football ground: The children are able to learn at Ser Alzira de Aleluia English, ballet classes or play soccer.

©Ser Alzira de Aleluia

This is another dream of Ser: a weather station, and sirens set up to warn of storms, and landslides.

And what dreams do you have?, we ask the three friends.

Milena wants to actually be a Ballerina, preferably in Europe.

Biel wants to be a teacher in Ser for Capoeira and football. And in a proper football camp to attend.

And Duda says out: “I want to be like Dona Elma and many children to help. And without shots to Wake up.”

Please donate to give children in Brazil in a future. The Foundation’s star forwards your money. IBAN DE90 2007 0000 0469 9500 01 – BIC DEUTDEHH – keyword “Brazil”;

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