Weapons 15/03/20 How to shoot the best machine guns of the red Army in the Great Patriotic
Remember the 7 types of Soviet automatic weapons of the great Patriotic war.
a submachine Gun or machine
the submachine Gun is an automatic gun that can fire bursts, designed for a pistol cartridge. But we say “a company of machine gunners” (instead of a gun-gunners), but if we are talking about the great Patriotic war, where the vast majority of cases we are talking about the submachine gun. Machine, to be terminologically precise, it’s a different weapon for a pistol and intermediate cartridge. The first Soviet submachine gun system. Degtyarev PPD was adopted in 1934. box shop on the 25 rounds. However, it was produced in small quantities, and the weapon itself was clearly underestimated. The Soviet-Finnish war showed the effectiveness of submachine guns in close combat, so it was decided to resume production of PPD, but with the disc cartridge 71. However, PPD was expensive and complicated to manufacture, so needed another sample, which combines the reliability and ease of production. And such a weapon was the legendary PCA.
the submachine Gun Shpagin was adopted on 21 December 1940, but its mass production began during the great Patriotic war, in late August of 1941 And for the first time on the front of the weapon will appear, apparently after a parade of 7 November, where PCA is first captured on a newsreel. The first PCA had a ramp-type sight at 500 meters. But to hit the enemy with a pistol bullet from 500 yards away is almost impossible, and later appeared reversible sight for 100 and 200 meters. At the trigger is the translator of fire that allows firing as bursts, and single shots. Initially, PCA was equipped with a disk store, which was quite heavy and you want to equip one cartridgefrom that in field conditions, is inconvenient (on disc paint set number of weapons). In March 1942 were able to achieve the interchangeability of stores and 1943. appears pie store 35 rounds.
From the second half of 1943 into the army in large numbers begins to flow from the gun system. Bolt carrier tilt. The lack of a interpreter the fire was offset by a low rate of fire (600 rounds per minute vs 1000 PCA) that allows a certain skill to fire single shots. The popularity of PPP says that this model, unlike PCA, was carried out and after the war, and has long been held in the airborne troops. The main production during the war was deployed in the besieged Leningrad, where to plant them. Voskova was released to 1 million units. Common features of PCA and PPP was the simplicity of production and Assembly and reliability of operation. At the same time managed to avoid the other extreme of primitivism, which is typical for an English submachine gun “Sten”. The result was a high saturation of the red Army, this type of small arms. All the years of the great Patriotic war was released about 5 million PPSH and about 3 million PPP, while the total number of German-made submachine guns by different researchers is estimated at 1 million units.
Shortly before the great Patriotic war, the red Army began to receive heavy machine gun of system of Degtyarev (DS-39), which replaced the Maxim machine gun system. This weapon was a very hard operation and it requires ammunition with a brass, and steel case. Manufacture of special ammunition intended for use by only one weapon model, it was considered inexpedient, and the Soviet industry turned to the production has been known since the Russo-Japanese war the Maxim machine gun, which before the end of 1943 remained the main and almost the only heavy pulemetm the red Army.
Rifle Tokarev
In the last prewar years in the USSR, much attention was paid to the rearmament of the army self-loading rifles Syst. Tokarev (SVT-40). Just by June 1941 there were about 1.5 million units, and the Red Army was the most equipped with self-loading rifles army in the world. From July 1942, the army began to receive the AVT-40, allowing melee to fire continuously. The guard performed the role of the translator fire. However, 10 rounds of firing were clear enough, marksmanship due to the lack of bipod is low, and the barrel wear instant. In the same 1942 were forbidden from any of the rifles to fire the turn (AVT-40, AVS-36). Combat experience showed that the SVT-40 and AVT-40 is a weapon very difficult for the recruits who, after an accelerated course rushed into battle. If there was any malfunction of the rifle Tokarev cast, replacing the usual three-line, which worked in all conditions. Despite the fact that, in General, Tokarev’s rifle in the army has not caught on, it became a favorite weapon of well-trained parts, marine infantry, mechanized infantry and cadet units.
From the beginning 30-x years in the army began to receive machine gun of system of Degtyarev, who became to mid 40-ies of the primary hand gun of the red Army. The first combat use of DP-27 is likely to be associated with the conflict on the CER in 1929, the Gun itself had a good performance during the fighting in Spain, Hassan and Halkin-Gol. During operation have been identified and a number of disadvantages – small capacity magazine (47 rounds), and the unfortunate location under the barrel recoil spring, which is deformed from frequent shooting. During the war some work was carried out to address these shortcomings. In particular, there were increased survivability of the weapon by moving the recoil spring into the rear part of the receiver, although the General principle of operation of this sample has remained unchanged. New poolEmet (PDM) from 1945 began to enter the army.
In the second half of the 30-ies with the aim of increasing the firepower of infantry in a number of countries attempt to create an automatic rifle capable of firing the turn. In the USSR begins production of automatic rifles Simonova OBR. 1936 AVS-36 was manufactured in Izhevsk in small batches, and the total number did not exceed 65 thousand units. Rifle first found combat use in the battles with the Japanese on Khalkhin goal. When the question of rearming the whole army single model of rifle, the choice was between the automatic and self-loading Tokarev, Simonov (SVT-38). The situation decided the question of I. V. Stalin about the need to fire bursts. The answer was negative and production of the AVS-36 has been minimized. Most likely at that time to provide the army, the armed millions of automatic rifles, a corresponding number of cartridges had been in the short term is very difficult. At the beginning of the great Patriotic war, most of the AVS-36 was in service with the 1st Moscow Proletarian division and was lost in the first months of the war. And in 1945 the use of AVS observed in the Russo-Japanese war, where the rifle was kept the longest.
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