was bagdala at meetings of the king. In 1896 broke out another war between Greece and Turkey for the liberation of the Greek lands still left under Turkish rule. Had a reason for Russia’s interference in Balkan Affairs. The international situation seemed favorable, as even Britain supported the Greeks. This time, however, opposed the naval command, pleading a shortage of the fleet.
nevertheless, 5 (17) December 1896 Nicholas II decided the issue of troops is positive and 11 (23) January, 1897, signed the plan of operation. The black sea fleet, which then consisted of six battleships and many other types of ships, commanded by Vice-Admiral N. V. Kopylov. The troops in the composition of 34 thousand people, with 112 guns was headed by Lieutenant General W. von Stock. Direct the signal to start the operation was to give, depending on the situation, a telegram with the agreed text of the Ambassador of Russia in Istanbul A. I. Nelidov. That is what the order of military Affairs diplomat what ruined it. Nelidov did not dare to send the required telegram, and 12 (24) February wrote a dispatch, which demonstrated that the favourable moment, and never will be.
the Desire to conquer Constantinople was so much of the Russian ruling circles (however, the liberal opposition in that they did not concede), that Nicholas II in 1914 deliberately went to the provocation of Turkey joining the war. 20 July (2 August) 1914, war Minister Enver Pasha sent a secret message to Petersburg, where he offered Russia Union of Turkey against Germany, provided that Russia give up claims on the Straits. Despite the fact that through the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus led the shortest way, connecting Russia with the Western allies, the king was not willing to give such guarantees. In the autumn of 1914, Turkey was in the camp of Russia’s enemies.
in the Spring of 1915, Nicholas II signed a Directive on landing on the shores of the Bosphorus. For this part of the Odessa military district was formed 7th army part