Expert provides information

Working on a laptop, surfing the internet on a tablet and in between maintaining contacts with a mobile phone. Every day, millions of people are exposed to blue display light for hours. Can that be healthy? What does the blue light portion of the LED lights do to the skin? In conversation with the news agency spot on news, natural cosmetics expert Michael Droste-Laux explains: "To a certain extent, the skin can protect itself from blue light and forms a protection from proteins." However, too much time should not be spent in front of the electrical appliances .

Because after a few hours, says Droste-Laux, the skin's own protection subsides. The result: “The blue light penetrates even deeper into the skin than UV-A rays and causes oxidative stress. The skin's barrier layer suffers and makes it more susceptible to irritation and redness. ”The damage to the collagenous connective tissue fibers would also cause the skin to lose elasticity and elasticity.

A “time out for the skin” cannot hurt. The natural cosmetics expert not only reports about it in his book of the same name, he also says in an interview: "Just being offline is the first step in digital detoxification." Droste-Laux a tip. In his opinion, color light emitters would represent a "compensating counter-trend to digital radiation".



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