How satisfied are you with your health insurance? The German Institute for Service quality (DISQ) has asked the insured 2344 legally sick. The respondents were asked to rate their cash in terms of Service and service offer. Also reliability and transparency, as well as frequent annoyances were queried. Here are the main results, as well as the winner of the test are.

With the overall Service satisfied

How competent and friendly the employees are? How fast will respond to requests? How good the information is, on the whole? The conclusion is mostly positive: Three of the four respondents are with the Service your insurance company satisfied. The main contact channel is the telephone, according to the study, closely followed by Email. Only then will the local branch follows at a distance.

– party in comparison, These health insurance sponsored by Fund GmbH fits you best performance and reliability

With bonus programs, health classes, Plans or other additional benefits are 73 percent of the respondents to your insurer satisfied. In addition, 77 percent of the respondents keep their cash reliable, what commitments, compliance Performance, as well as the protection of personal and disease-related data are concerned. A little more critical of the respondents see the paper war: Three out of ten respondents miss of transparency in the insurance terms and conditions and any third considers the Acquisition cost to be over-bureaucratic.

The biggest annoyances

Asked to name the biggest annoyances to the point of “little or no reimbursement for certain treatments” with distance on the first place it lands. Each third party has ever annoyed about it. Every Sixth had to deal with the long processing time of applications. Unfriendly staff and unintelligible information to the power supply interfered with, respectively, 12 per cent of the respondents.

New contribution rates for the cheapest health insurance in 2019 By Daniel Bakir, The winner of the test

21 health insurance funds – are all at least 100 reviews were on the diving end up in a Ranking. To the satisfaction of the Insured persons in the SBK Siemens-are, therefore, health insurance. The provider had in terms of power supply and reliability of all the competitors behind. Also, the proportion of disgruntled customers was lower than any other.

place two of the technicians health insurance Fund, which was also rated in almost all categories, Top follows. Particularly noteworthy: The Service is the best in the comparison, moreover, the TK of its members, it is recommended particularly often. The podium also the Knappschaft it creates, it scores above all with above average transparency and good benefits, and provides little occasion for Trouble.

Also good overall the IKK Classic, BKK Mobil Oil, Viactiv Krankenkasse and the IKK southwest cut.

The complete Ranking you can find here,

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