Others use the quarantine to laze around, musician Halsey focuses on education. As has now become known, the 25-year-old is studying law and wants to take her exam very soon.

The whole university affair only came out after an attentive fan discovered an edition of a law book on one of her Instagram shots.

In the signature of the snapshot, Halsey had already indicated: “Law is fun, but it’s tough.” Nevertheless, she makes it clear that she is aiming for the California law degree.

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I took my brace off my ankle cause it was itchy and now I need to put it back. I made a quiche and fresh spinach butternut squash ravioli. Law is fun but hard. Beautiful sky. Can’t stop watching avatar. and judging from the baby pic I’ve been a disassociating little freak who romanticizes the 70s for my whole life. That’s all, thank you.

A post shared by halsey (@iamhalsey) on May 25, 2024 at 6:29 pm PDT

Halsey sees herself as a freak

Otherwise, the musician spends typical quarantine days: “I made a quiche and fresh spinach with pumpkin ravioli. […] Beautiful sky. Can’t stop watching “Avatar”. ”

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And further: “If you look at my baby photos, you can see that I have always been a little freak who romanticized the seventies all his life. Thats all thanks.”

Sudden law studies also fit the subject of freaks. Although: Halsey has repeatedly commented on important issues such as politics, civil rights or other social issues in recent years. So she would definitely make a very good lawyer! (Bang / KuT)


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