We all know it when we googled once for new headphones, and then a week on the net everywhere, for headphones. So the Internet works, right? Behind it is reasonably clever Algorithms, the faith to know what we are stuck. This is occasionally handy, mostly annoying, but sometimes really, really out of place. As the American journalist Gillian Brockell had to experience.

Brockell was pregnant for the first Time and overjoyed. You typed in search words like “maternity wear”, and “nursery furniture” in the Google, as you do, if you prepared and excited for a life with Baby. But then fate struck:

“With a broken heart we have to inform you that our little Boy, Sohan Singh Gulshan, is dead to be born”, she wrote stunned in a message on Twitter. “At the moment, we are devastated.” While Gillian Brockell is in the hospital and her dead Baby, the world must bring, decide she and her husband, Bobby, to not let this fate get the best of you. “We are determined that this time the grief will strengthen our love,” she writes.

In real life, her child wasn’t dead – on the net

But it should be much harder for you to cope with the death of your baby, as you could have guessed. Because when she was after a few days again for the first time on the Internet on the go, “for a few minutes distraction before the next Howl,” were your advertising permanent ads for baby fashion, pregnancy needs, and the like are displayed. In your Spam-mailbox E-Mails, you are asked to register in “Baby Clubs” of various brands, in which they had signed up never found. Each of these Ads reminded her of her hopes and her happiness during the until recently existing pregnancy.

Interview with TV presenter Nina Bott “I had a miscarriage. Talking about it has helped me a lot” By Julia Kepenek

If the Tech companies have become so clever Algorithms, the knowledge that she was pregnant – would have to recognize that something is terribly wrong? “Have you not seen that I ‘have a Baby’ gegooglelt move?” asks Gillian. “Not my message noted in the words ‘broken heart’, ‘Problem’ and ‘born dead’ occurred? And the two hundred wine-Emoji seen my friends? These are not things that you could recognize?“ You Packed all of your helplessness and anger in an open letter to the major Social Media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the financial services provider, Experian.

“you Know,” says the grieving mother, “there are over 26,000 abortions in the USA each year. Million more for your users around the world.” She describes how it feels “to come up with the emptiest arms in the world” from the hospital and to get the first look on the web, the same Ads are shown before the life-changing tragedy: “devastating”.

your open letter to the Tech, should companies shake up

Someone like Gillian, who is as a journalist, fit in dealing with Facebook & co., white of course, as you can hide individual Ads. “And when we click millions of unlucky people, then I don’t want to see this ad’, and the question of ‘Why?’ with the cruel, but honest: ‘This is not relevant for me’ answers” – this is not a solution to the Problem. “Your algorithm assumes that we have born our child and all the happy delivery.” Instead of products for Pregnant women, you would get products for young mothers and toys for small children are displayed. Cynical.

“Please, dear Tech companies, I beg you: If you know smart enough silk that I was pregnant and my child was born, then you’re certainly smart enough to know that my Baby died, and can according to advertising show – or not.” With these words of the open letter ends informed, the Gillian with the world.

Facebook offers is not enough

Rob Goldman, a Facebook employee, reported in the comments to Gillian’s letter committed to the word and pointed to a function that – buried deep in the profile settings – you can choose to want what are the topics that you see no Ads. As Gillian followed this advice but was shown directly after advertising an adoption Agency. It seems that the social networks in terms of compassion had a lot to do much.

source: Twitter



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