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Home Entertainment "Good times, bad times": filming is resumed

"Good times, bad times": filming is resumed

Drehbetrieb bei GZSZ wieder aufgenommen.

April 20, 2024 – 3:45 p.m.

GZSZ starts turning again

After a short break over Easter, the shooting of “Gute Zeiten, guten Zeiten”, the daily series of UFA Serial Drama for RTL, will resume on Monday April 20, 2024. Find out more here.

Safety and hygiene are top priorities on the set

UFA Serial Drama explains why filming was interrupted over Easter: “The reason for the break was the positive corona finding of an employee who was last working behind the scenes three weeks ago, thus protecting everyone Quarantine time was ordered independently by the production. ”

Safety and hygiene are top priorities on the set. A spokeswoman for UFA Serial Drama explains: “The shooting will now continue under the latest, most precise and strictest hygiene measures, which have been discussed in detail with occupational health and safety experts.”

GZSZ fans do not have to do without their favorite series. UFA Serial Drama gives the all-clear: “The daily broadcasts of the Success Daily can thus continue as planned at RTL and one week in advance on TVNOW without interruption.”

And the GZSZ anniversary on April 29, 2024 is not in danger either: “The shooting for it already took place on Fuerteventura in February,” the spokeswoman said.

Corona virus


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