When American Stephen-d’angelo opened his distillery Greenhook Ginsmiths in Brooklyn in 2012, he expected that his product will be used in restaurants, on the bustling and cheerful parties and certainly not in hospitals. But due to the temporary closure of bars and other public institutions in new York, he forwarded the work of the enterprise for the production of more useful and necessary products, namely, disinfectant for hands, alcohol-based.
“Now you just won’t be able to buy antiseptics because their is not enough even in hospitals, so we are ready to help them in this matter,” said the-d’angelo, which has sold about 5,000 gallons of disinfectant to the local medical institutions.
Other American distilleries also did not stay aside and came to help his people. To the production of the disinfectant has started the company Old Fourth Distillery in Atlanta (GA). It is important to note that she distributes it absolutely free.
“In connection with recent reports of disruption of plants and inadequate supplies, we decided to provide you with free sanitizer for hands to all in need, – wrote the company on its official page in Instagram. Is, of course, does not replace hand washing, but if necessary, perform their work”.
Information about the temporary conversion of the distillery and the free distribution of antiseptics to all those in need has spread with such speed that a few days later, his reserves ran out. However, the company is in its second publication in Instagram has promised that it will resume production after there will be another supply of ingredients.
In the same state is another company Moonrise Distillery is also reshaped for the manufacture of disinfectant for the hands using Botanical gin and natural aloe Vera.
“We love to hug and shake each other hands, and therefore want to contribute to withstorage of this heat around the safest way,” wrote representatives of the company in his post on Facebook.
the Old Fourth Distillery and Moonrise Distillery said that they accept donations to offset the cost of the production of disinfectants for the hands.
the British Lancashire Textile company, which usually manufactures duvets, pillows and mattresses, feared that she might have to close or lay off staff if it does not deal with the consequences of the crisis caused by the dangerous coronavirus infection. The factory employs 35 people, and its annual turnover is 5 million pounds.
Lancashire Textile, established in 2001 and distributes its products in the UK and throughout Europe, started making masks for the face to not only save their business but to help people.
Now the factory offers about 2,000 pieces a week, but it is expected that soon this number will increase. In addition, the company also produces cleaning products.
“Like most companies, we struggle with the crisis caused by Covid-19, and accept any support that would help our company and its employees”, – said Director of sales Steve Aspey. Part of our production was transferred to the manufacture of face masks and cleaning products, which we supplied during the Ebola outbreak. These are measures that we can take due to the flexibility of our company and experience of our employees.”
Group Kering, one of the leaders of the world market of luxury goods, announced that it intends to help France cope with a virus of a new type. The Corporation has announced its readiness to launch the production of masks on the two French factories owned fashion houses Balenciaga and Yves Saint Laurent.
“Production will be launched as soon as the production process and materials will be approved by the relevant authorities”, – reads the official statement of the company.
in Addition in the near future she also plans to purchase in China, 3 million medical masks and pass them French medical institutions. The Kering Group has also provided financial support to the Institut Pasteur in Paris, which deals with the development of a vaccine against coronavirus.
For the treatment of patients from new infection, the British government will purchase 10 thousand devices of artificial ventilation of lungs Dyson. Hundreds of employees worked on preparing all day.
the company, headed by engineer sir James Dyson, from scratch developed a new type of these devices, following the call of the National health service UK (NHS). The procurement will be fulfilled when the new medical equipment model Dyson pass the test and be certified. Now the authorities are trying to accelerate this process.
Mass production of the ventilator of the new model is planned to start at the Dyson factory in Wiltshire, utilizing aviation hangars, where during the Second world Packed the parachutes for the pilots.
a Full transition to production of the “fans” (so-called ventilators doctors themselves), with all the enthusiasm of Dyson, will still fail. Even if the fact that the new equipment will receive a certificate in the coming days, the path from prototype to mass production will take approximately two weeks.
to Delay the start of serial production of new models because of the rapidly spreading pandemic and decided to produce the largest American cars in General Motors, reports Reuters. Earlier, the President of the United States Donald trump signed a decree demanding the GM to start production of the ventilator. The US leader also said that the Minister of health should use all its legal powers to require “General Motors” “the adoption, implementation and prioritization of contracts or orders” to the number of vital medical equipment which he deems nO. D..
the company already made a compromise with the administration trump and before the official order. But the rate of “conversion” was insufficient, given the speed of spread of infectious diseases. According to trump, after “productive” talks, automotive Corporation has agreed to release 40 thousand units, but we are ready to provide only 6 thousand. Not now, but only by the end of April.