The LEO-study*

a levels A Team from the University of Hamburg, the respondents divided according to their abilities to read and Write in five skills. Who is on one of the bottom three Alpha Levels (1 to 3), is considered to be “low liter nationalized”, one speaks of functional illiteracy. The lack of basic education given to these people difficulties in everyday life and at work. Important: Almost half of the patients with low Reading and writing skills learned as a child in a language other than English. Many of them have in their language of origin, a sufficient written language skills.

read the help

As you read the example: Among the people of the levels of Alpha 1 to 3, 12.9 percent are unemployed, and among those who are above level 4, it’s 3.2 percent. Explanation in simple language: Even in Germany there are people who can only read and write. You have a lot of disadvantages. The studied researchers are now more accurate. You have not found, for example, that such people are so easy to find a Job. More than 12.9 percent of them are unemployed. And, although the economy is in need of a lot of people. Of the people who can read and write, and only 3.2 percent work.

Clear improvement

living In Germany, 6.2 million people with low Literacy (12.1 percent of the German-speaking population aged 18 to 64 years). In 2010, there were still 7.5 million.

The proportion of men among the low liter internalized is higher than that of women. This ratio reflects that women are formed in the cut better.

Without a Job

Who has reading and Writing problems, which is more likely to be unemployed. Experts suggest that a lack of basic education in the future will be an even greater hurdle in the job search.

computer use

Low liter-alised use less the computer. So only about half of addiction of you with regular information about products and prices on the Internet, in the case of the well-liters allocated to it are about three-quarters.

E-Mails, write

a Lack of basic education also inhibits the communication. Then it is hard to regularly write E-Mails: only slightly more than a third of those Affected do.

voice messages

Instead of messages, sending functional illiterates prefer voice messages, at least more than enough educated people.

Online Banking

Online-Banking solves the Transfer at the counter or via a paper form. Affected at lower levels of Competence to use it, but much less frequently.

message consumption

and Just under a quarter of low-liter-adequate informed on a regular basis via Newspapers or the Internet. Many are likely to be, the messages in their language of origin to read.

Fake News

a Little more than half of those which the reading is difficult, it is (fairly) easy to detect whether messages are credible. recognize In the case of the people without reading problems, it is 82 percent.


the risks and side effects of a drug from each of the leaflet: While the well-liters allocated to 72.6% frequently read the package insert, it is not sufficient literacy rate of 55.8 percent.


Engagement requires basic education, as it seems. Of those, the reading is uncertain, and writing, only 7.1 per cent at least once a month to volunteer, the others are at least 23.1 percent.

there is also Great variation when you Choose. Here are nearly two-thirds of a group, you would use (mostly) their right to vote, in the other, there are more than 90 percent.

books to read

education “inherited”. The Numbers of those who indicate that they would read to your children regularly. Here is information from The real Numbers to read and to Choose are expected to be lower.

they are more often unemployed and less often

Background: A Team from the University of Hamburg to select respondents and tested on behalf of the Federal Ministry for education and research, a representative random selection of a total of 7.192 German-speaking persons aged 18 to 64 years of age.

Illustration: Doreen Borsutzki; Researching: Martin Spiewak

source: *”LEO 2018 – life, low-Literacy”, study under the direction of the Hamburg education researcher Anke Grotlüschen


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