After his traffic accident, Prince Philip has declared the police to be blinded by the sun, reported the British newspaper “The Sun”. After all, it has to roll over the all-terrain vehicle of the husband of the Queen several times from side to side. Prince Philip is unharmed, but clearly shocked to be out of the car increased. For too long the shock has stopped, apparently. Although the question of whether a 97-should Years old still behind the wheel, will be discussed in the UK, hot, has Prince Philip done it just again and it even looks like he was not even strapped in.


Prince Philip, here on arrival at an Event, likes to self

©Syd/Landmark Media/image collect

Also in Germany, the issue comes up on a regular basis. A pensioner, of the Gas and brake confused and this in a Parking lot or a gas station for desolation: such are the stories that are felt weekly in the media. And otherwise: In the old sense, and concentration to leave – until what age is it reasonable and responsible to drive a car?

The German Federal Statistical office has brought out in September of 2017, the study “traffic accidents: accidents of the elderly in road traffic”. Accordingly, the proportion of people aged 65 and over in the total population in the last 20 years, from roughly 16 to 21 percent. The approximately 17 million older people are also more mobile than in the past: “more and more people in the Generation 65+ have a driver’s license, use your car up to a high age and are as a bike rider on the road.”

Less on the road, less accidents, husband of the Queen’s debate on the accident of Prince Philip: Should be nearly 100-Year-old still driving a car? DPA

This is about 21 percent in 2016 – more recent Figures are not yet available – at just under 13 percent of the accidents involved. Seniors are under-represented in the statistics so clearly. That’s not more likely to be due to the fact that you are driving daily to work and thus, less on the roads than their Younger counterparts.

involved older people in accidents, hurt harder and come more often killed than younger groups of the population: according to the Federal statistical office, on the one hand, with increasing age, decreasing physical resilience, on the other hand, the fact that seniors are more often pedestrians. Nevertheless, the number of elderly traffic fatalities per 100,000 population has declined since 1980.

Typical mistakes of senior citizens

you Can statistically show that seniors respond in the road the wrong way and it comes to accidents? Car drivers in the senior age was more common than the under 65-Year-old accused to have the right of way, or priority to other vehicles disobeyed.

The second most common allegation was that the ‘errors when you Turn, Turn, reverse driving, and Start-up’. In contrast, senior citizens have been placed much less of a burden to have the distance not observed to be speeding and under the influence of alcohol at the wheel sat. “Overall, the damage involved the passenger Car drivers who were at least 65 years old, 38.215 misconduct to the load were applied to the 48.367 of injuries,” write the statisticians. Whether the allegations were also substantiated, it is not apparent from the statistics. A clear answer to the traffic safety of the German seniors of the study “traffic accidents: accidents of the elderly in road traffic”.

Prince Philip does not give the impression, as would his driver’s license voluntarily. And in the UK, he is no exception. More than 110,000 British, who at least were 90 years old, had, according to the British broadcaster BBC last November, your driver’s license. 314 were even at least 100 years old. The oldest of four seniors who were allowed to drive according to statistics, in the United Kingdom, and even brought it to 107 years.

sources: Federal Statistical office, study: “traffic accidents: accidents of the elderly in road traffic”, “The Sun”.

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