On June 5, Gottlieb Wendehals (Werner Böhm), the former king of the German party hit, is lonely in Gran Canaria and different at the age of 78. The former jazz pianist from “Uncle Pö” left two huge hits in Hamburg: “Polonäse Blankenese” and the completely wrongly forgotten song “Herbert”.

The latter was the first single with which the Hanseatic thoroughbred musician and ex-husband of Mary Roos drew attention with a new image in 1979 after he created the stage character Gottlieb Wendehals with a pomadized center parting and black and white check jacket.

Text and music come from Werner Böhm himself and David-Hansemann-Brehmer, who wrote songs for the then popular pop duo Waterloo & Robinson.

“They rage and praise Herbert’s rhythm!”

Herbert is concerned with a rhythm machine that so-called entertainers like to carry with them to this day in order to create a bizarre atmosphere with their rhythm machines at weddings or family anniversaries. The text says:

You can book us for all purposes
With us, the fans jump to the ceiling
They rage and praise the rhythm
From my friend Herbert, Herbert, Herbert, Herbert
We play waltz and disco salad
Because my friend Herbert has everything ready
We are worth our fee
Me and my friends Herbert, Herbert, Herbert, Herbert

It would be nice if “Herbert” – the hit with the Mitgröhl guarantee – could be hoisted out of the water again in the coming carnival season, insofar as it takes place. Herbert deserves it.


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