Contents page 1 — “Germany is not yet in flames” page 2 — hardwood stores more water, therefore, it burns bad On a page to read

forest fires are in this country usually. It gives you each year, times greater, times smaller. After a long drought shrubs catch fire easily – often because of carelessly discarded Butts, hot charcoal, or because of debris lying around that can ignite in the heat of a fire. This spring, the forest fire season has started early and violently. It is the highest threat is the warning level. Whether this is unusual, explains Raimund Engel, forest fire officer for the protection of Brandenburg.

TIME ONLINE: anyone Who follows the news, one gets the feeling that Germany is burning. Countless reports on forest fires stir up the impression of unusually many and strong fire had broken out. This is so?

angel: Currently, an increased risk of forest fires, mainly in the East and Southeast of Germany. For Brandenburg, where I am for the forest fire were responsible, was declared the highest danger level. This is already happening in April, so early in the year, on a nationwide basis for a Federal state, is extraordinary. The particularly dry Winter, then four weeks of very little rain, and finally, strong winds – all of which has led to this high risk.

TIME ONLINE: What is the role of it for the current forest fire risk, that the year 2018 was not only an extremely hot and Sunny summer, but overall, very dry?

Engel: On the current situation in Brandenburg, has been the impact of the safe. This year, we recorded more than 70 fires alone until the middle of April. The is much and is not rare, however: Germany is still in flames. To speak of an extreme forest fire of the year, it is still much too early.

The forestry Director Raimund Engel is the forest fire protection representative of the Federal state of Brandenburg. From 2003 to 2006, he headed the situation centre, fire and disaster protection. © private

TIME ONLINE: meteorolog inside and meteorologists warn that it could come in 2019 to a drought summer. It is assumed that in the course of climate change, forest fires in some Parts of the country more often?

angel: The climate change definitely has an impact. He is due to more frequent periods of drought and longer periods of heat noticeable in the conditions under which forest fires occur more easily, and can spread. In Brandenburg, the especially the at-risk areas in the middle and in the South of the country, further away from the coast, and in which many pine forests. But it can, like last Tuesday, even in the low mountain range of Thuringia were burning, where the rainfall is not usually so strong that to happen In General, we need to set ourselves long-term to the fact that the threat grows.

to speak of an extreme forest fire of the year, it is still much too early.

Reimund angel, professional forest-fire fighting

TIME ONLINE: Devastating forest fires, where many people come to harm, we know, especially from regions such as California or Russia. The main problem there: the growing development on the outskirts of large cities and in Metropolitan areas, to the forest and in the woods, without a tree to be scheduled-free corridors or protection zones for the fire case. Germany, specifically Brandenburg has a similar Problem?

angel: With us the Situation is somewhat different. Many dachas-plots of land – so the typical garden arbors in the former GDR were in the middle of the forest. Later, the owner got permission to expand them permanently inhabited houses. Who lives there, is exposed to a high forest fire risk. Actually, urban planners should make sure that it is not in the woods is built. In the specific case can not be the solution to the forest to build back, so to cut down, as some mayors have already proposed.


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