Photos: Moscow 24/Anton Velikzhanin
cloudy with clearings weather is expected in Moscow on Thursday, April 2. About it informs a site “Meteonovosti”.
it is Known that the capital region will be under the influence of the warm atmospheric front. Sometimes it may take a little rain, experts warn.
“the Maximum temperature in the capital will be 4-6 degrees Celsius to plus 6 degrees,” the website reported.
it is Noted that will blow the West wind with gusts of 5 to 10 meters per second. In some areas wind power may rise up to 14 meters per second.
“the atmospheric pressure will not change significantly – 738 mm Hg. A relative humidity of about 60 percent,” – says the weatherman.
Experts add that weather-sensitive people today to feel unwell. This is especially true of those who suffer from diseases of the heart and vessels of hypertensive patients, people undergoing vascular catastrophe and suffering from vascular dystonia. Some may manifest chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Previously, forecasters said the weather will happen with the Russians in April. The Meteorologist predicted warm month with no strong anomalies.
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the MOE has extended the warning for snow and strong winds until the evening of 31 March Temperature record 1973 beaten in the capital