imago images / POP-EYE

Whoever doesn’t laugh dies crying. That is Lemmy Kilmister’s motto. How well the Motörhead front man, who died in 2015, stuck to it, is now to reveal a film about the rock legend.

In the feature film “Lemmy”, the life of the legendary rocker before he became part of the heavy metal band is to be brought to the big screen. Greg Olliver will direct it. He was also responsible for the documentation with the same name from 2010.

The film is said to show the “irresistible, complicated and generous man” Lemmy, who died in 2015 at the age of 70 after he was diagnosed with cancer shortly before.

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One thing is for certain By all we know and love, if you compromise your integrity… #motorhead #lemmy #philcampbell @mikkeydeeofficial photo by Robert John

A post shared by Moto? Rhead (@officialmotorhead) on Jun 2, 2024 at 10:43 pm PDT

Speed for dinner

His early years should also be addressed, including a time as a roadie for Jimmy Hendrix and a trial with the band Hawkwind.

In a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, Olliver said: “Everything you’ve heard about Lemmy is probably true… not because he lived rock’n’roll clichés, but because he invented them. Red Marlboro and Jack Daniels for breakfast, speed for dinner – all true. ”

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Motörhead “European Tour”. Glasgow, Scotland. Carling Academy. November 2008. “I have been looking through my photo archive during this confinement and together with Joan Roig we have reworked some Raw files that we did in Black and white in the past. Sometimes I guess we have a strong feeling for black and white stories and miss some good single color images ”From the series“ Röadkill “Photograph by @pepbonet_noor Color grading by @ joanroig.colorist

A post shared by Moto? Rhead (@officialmotorhead) on May 22, 2024 at 11:28 am PDT

And further: “But behind this cold-nosed facade of rock’n’roll was also an irresistible, complicated and generous man who always stayed on his way and never gave up playing the music that made him happy.”

He says about the production: “We have been working on this biopic since 2013 to ensure that we remain loyal to Lemmy, Motörhead’s members Phil Campbell and Mikkey Dee, and all the other people who played an important role in Lemmy’s life. It will be a film they will all be proud of. ”(Bang)


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