There is still no end in sight in the crisis surrounding the contagious coronavirus. While some restrictions have been relaxed, there will be no transition to normality until a vaccine is used. Now many Germans are asking themselves whether summer vacation is possible this year.

Almost everyone in Germany is currently wondering what will happen to their summer vacation in the Corona crisis. Holidays in your own garden instead of a long-distance trip? Or a trip within Germany? However, Thomas Bareiß, the Federal Government’s Tourism Commissioner believes that summer vacation in Germany is possible, categorically advises against long-distance travel. “Big long-distance trips will be canceled this year. It is on the program for many home leave. I assume that this will be possible, hopefully in the summer as well, ”said Bareiß at the German Press Agency.

According to Bareß, strict security criteria are also necessary for the implementation of the summer vacation. “Safety distances, regular disinfection or tests for staff and employees are certainly conceivable,” said Bareiß, who pointed out that Germany also has numerous interesting travel destinations.

“But in fact, there can, of course, be problems with, particularly popular destinations. Safety rules and distance play a big role this summer. Towel to towel on the North Sea beach will not be available this year. So far, people have handled the situation very responsibly and I trust that travel will be possible, albeit with restrictions, ”says Bareiß optimistically. So at least a holiday in your own country seems to be possible, which should also have a positive effect on the gastronomy in the destinations.


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