Metten – The Rescue of his children from the Danube, a man of the flow is entrained. No sign of him since Sunday evening, the police announced on Monday. The 46-year-old man spent Sunday with his family on the Danube in Metten (Landkreis Deggendorf). When his four children were at the age of 13 to 18 years of age in danger, jumped from the father, and a friend of the family into the water and brought the children to the shore.

During the rescue of 18-year-old son, threatened to drown already, was recognized as the father of the flow of the river and drive in the direction of, reported to the police.

Metten: Badeunglück on the Danube – 90 rescue workers search for missing property

Around 90 use of force by police, water rescue, fire brigades and the Bavarian Red cross were searching on Sunday until nightfall, in vain for man. Also, rescue divers and a police helicopter were deployed. The search continued on Monday morning. The family of the Missing person was in the care of the forces, and later in the Klinikum Deggendorf.


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