Update of 28. July: Anna Heiser is currently causing great excitement. The reason: The former “farmer seeks wife”-a candidate has indulged in a holiday. The rail some Fans have not liked what the pretty blonde responded with a good Dose of irony and counter-attack. But to some Fans it is getting to much.

Anna from “farmer seeks wife in a Bikini” – but Fans will pay attention to your lines

In a Bikini, the wife of Gerald is Hoarse on the beach of the Cote d’azur and smiles into the camera. In her cleavage, you granted to your subscribers on Instagram, thus, in-depth insights. However, a lot of Fans to your great body the huge hat – but concentrate on the image signature. “Information to those who are envious or jealous of, as well as to those who hold for our time and financial managers. In October and December, we will be flying most likely be back in the #holidays, so you can now like upset about it“, one can read under the Bikini picture. A clear allusion to the Drama of the past few days.

Already in another post, Anna, of “the farmer fought back woman looking for a” against the criticism that was brought against it. But that will not appeal to all. “Terrible, I find your irony, Anna. Borders on arrogance“, a Userin. But there are also a lot of popularity, Fans comment on the one that Anna should not let stress and the time to enjoy. “Envious, it is always a”, it brings a User to the point.

see you had this post on Instagram to

Last day on the Cote d’azur a wonderful time with people I very love ♥ in a while A piece of Information to those who are envious or jealous of, as well as to those who hold for our time and financial administrator ➡ the iPhone app in October and December we will fly probably in the #holidays, so you can now like about it is exciting In this sense, a beautiful Start to the weekend, lovelies! #cotedazur #France #france #beach #Mediterranean #Saint Tropez #holidaymood #vacation #instatravel #instagood #travel tips

A post shared by Anna H. (@anna_m._heiser) on Jul 26, 2019 at 10:05 PM PDT

Update vom 22. July: there are Usually of the “farmer wants a wife”- “dream couple” Anna and Gerald sweet insight in your love and in the common farm life. But now, born to be a Polish woman got on Instagram a true Shitstorm – and, because of a simple vacation photos. Now, the “farmer seeks out a woman”-Star again, against his haters and shows a whole other side of himself.

Anna from “farmer seeks wife”: Shitstorm, because it flies in the holidays

a “I’m off” would suggest such waves, didn’t think of Anna Heiser, certainly. However, under your photo, on which the woman is to see Gerald with your passport, came a lot of criticism for the 28-Year-old. Anna Heiser had to justify the nasty insults and hostility by read, compared to some of the accusations. And they did – but when an Instagram User, the former “farmer wants a burst woman”candidate, literally by the collar. Meanwhile, the Shitstorm the photo’s been a week – but apparently Anna had not said a Hoarse yet everything to what they wanted to get rid of. In spite of their well-earned holidays, the blonde is once more the clear words of your haters.

“Bauer sucht Frau”-Anna, the collar bursts: and Now it strikes back

“Yes, I’m a totally bad wife, because I dare to be alone with my friends, to fly without my husband in the holidays,” writes Gerald’s Anna under, two vacation photos from the South of France. “Luckily, it give me both my dear husband @gerald_heiser , as well as a lot of you!” With your little freak out also Yes all of the address, she writes: “In the case of all other who think it is our work to know leave relationship precisely or to know exactly who financed my vacation, I’m not going to justify myself – from the age, I’m out.” A clear Statement – this will take some of the “farmer seeks wife”Fans, hopefully to the heart.

+ © Screenshot of instagram Bauer sucht Frau: “dream couple” Anna and Gerald reveal a long-kept secret

Original message: Namibia – Anna (28), and Gerald Heiser (33) are the dream couple of the RTL-dome show “farmer seeks wife”. Since then, their Fans have suffered all the UPS and Downs. Reason enough for Anna and Gerald to surprise their Fans with a confession. The Fans could not believe it!

farmer wants a wife: Anna and Gerald unravel the mystery

Since 2005, Inka Bause (50) is, from a racy photo appeared in the “farmer’s wife looking” with farmers on Dating and trying to find the very great good fortune for the men of the country. In the 13. Season of the hit docu-Soap turned 2017 Gerald Heiser for help to the RTL format. And there is great romance should follow: With the help of “farmer’s wife” is the German farmer found from Namibia in fact his dream woman. Together, Anna and Gerald to the absolute “Bauer sucht Frau”dream couple and went through some UPS and Downs (“farmer seeks wife”-a couple, Anna and Gerald show up without). On Instagram, the two joy and pain shared with your Fans. Now the Stars of the dome show aired a big secret.

+ Anna and Gerald celebrated after laViking sorry for the time in the summer of 2018, the wedding of your dreams.© MG RTL D / flashed by micky

Since the meeting in 2017 in the case of “farmer seeks wife” has changed the lives of both dramatically. On Instagram you shared your heartache with a total of almost 70,000 Fans. The dream pair of lovers tearing up during the German TV show, and then took a heart at the end of a long-distance relationship over 12,000 miles on in. The thought of the two of you, but not for long, and even shortly after the season-the end of the “show, the company is looking for a woman” that they would marry.

Anna shocked now with an Update to their health, and then pulled to your Gerald on the Farm in Namibia, where the dream started few finally happy in your life together. However, almost dream of “farmer wants a wife would have burst”-a fairy tale wedding. And for a frightening reason: Gerald suffered from a nerve disease, which can also be fatal. In the end it came to a Happy End and Bauer Gerald Anna finally to his wife. Since then, much has been speculated about a possible pregnancy of Anna. Now, the “farmer wants a wife can look forward to”Fans actually young.

also read: TV candidate sees his Date and has to immediately. laughing out loud

farmer’s wife: Anna and Gerald is looking for new talent – Fans freuts

On her Instagram welcome Account posted Anna a picture of the “farmer wants a wife”-the dream shows a couple of over the moon in your living room Anna clings to her Gerald and keeps the families-young on the Arm. It was even to adopt a child (“farmer seeks wife”: Anna Gerald pregnant? Now she speaks openly). Anna wrote overjoyed:”family Heiser has get offspring. In time for our first wedding anniversary…” The announcement of the “farmer seeks wife”up-and-comers took advantage of the young farmer directly for s Update about her marriage to farmer Gerald: “there was a Long discussion about whether our marriage is valid. Yes, she is! And since exactly one year. On 05.01.2018 we got married only in the company of our witnesses in the Namibian town of Gobabis“.

look at the height to you in this post on Instagram to

A post shared by Anna H. (@anna_m._heiser) on Jan 5, 2019 at 9:29 am PST

the 28-Year-old writes: “at the Time our first wedding anniversary we adopted two sweet cats that we love now!” A Disappointment! That was probably not the offspring of the “farmer seeks wife”Fans had wished for. Most of the Fans were still on the kitten. So one of the 42,000 subscribers of Anna Heiser wrote: “The cats are mega cute. Since you have a Nice put on the first wedding day.“ Another commented: “Congratulations to you, and remains so natural and likeable”. Only a “farmer seeks wife”-the Fan was probably not very happy with the news from Africa. He hoped for more: “congratulations from me, too. On the a Baby your lucky crowns.“ Our readers wonder about this message: Hot Russian girl in a Bikini jumps in a lake – but it ends up disastrous.

More on topic: farmer wants a wife: shock! Anna is seriously ill? Worried about Gerald’s wife, how extratipp.com* reported.

Sarah Pilz


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