According to Putin, from 28 March to 5 April will only work structure of life support, including transport, grocery stores, banks, government and medicine. The rest of the citizens, the President recommended to stay at home. “MK” has talked with experts in employment law on what grounds may be for the President’s proposals.
the expert of the Center for social and labor rights Yuri Starodumov believes that: “Now in the Labour code the legal basis for such initiatives is not provided. Of course, a private employer can let their employees save income, including remote work. For other you need to from the government or the Duma was a kind of resolution that these days are declared holidays. And, ideally, to do this right was granted under the Labour code, which now were not spelled out. In any case, given my situation, I think these inconsistencies, few people will confuse”.
From another lawyer – Arkady If. “That was the basis to declare these days as well as holidays and save the salary of employees, needs government regulation. And I’m sure it will be. First will probably be the decree of the President on this issue, and then the resolution, which States that “the decree of the President decide these days considered non-working”. This is more than enough.”
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