day 30 of the Government shutdown was the second anniversary of his taking office – for the U.S. President so there was twice as much to do as usual. Self-celebrating and the Opposition back into the twilight, for example. What he did, as usual, on his favourite channel, Twitter, in unusual quantity. A whopping 40 Tweets he sat on Sunday, the 20. January. Who wanted to know what the most powerful man in the world in its biggest ever crisis due to the head – of the responses received. Very many of the answers.

With a threat to start, with offer of dialogue ends

Before it went to the dispute with the Democrats over the budget, moserte it first through the media, would not be worthy of his successes as President. So far, so known. After that, the climate change critics Trump was a jab at the current cold not resist (“The good, old global warming would not be bad.”) to shoot then suddenly, against his current main Respondent: Nancy Pelosi, the Chairman of the house of representatives, where Democrats have the majority. Your devoted White house chief of four Tweets – which began in the sound threatening, but in the course of a dialog the offer ended.

“Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats should do the Right thing for the country and the people, to return to work,” he wrote. Then he rose a little in the charge mode, the ended up Pelosi an irrational jerk to the left to make a “radical Democrat”. By the way, he called in her home district of San Francisco “disgusting”. Only a few moments later, he is the antagonist, almost submissive, but to talk again about everything.

In direct connection to his Nancy-Pelosi-to-speech, a self-enthusiasm attack follows a survey, according to the its popularity with the Hispanic population virtually exploded, and because of his attitude to the Mexico wall. His Approval ratings in the US-wide survey average, with about 40 percent historically bad, not mentioned by Trump, understandably. Instead, he takes his own wall to note and praise yourself for it, that parts of the wall were already under construction – though it’ll give hardly any money.

Between messages bonfires

Nate Silver, the American statistics and choice research guru, commenting on the remarks from the White house: “Would Trump be able to convey its message consistently, such as ‘we are willing to sit down at a table, but not to be’, will-o-the Democrats, instead of between 5 to 6 different messages, it would lead him somewhere.” Didn’t know it at this point in time, Silver but that Trump has only just started to bring his Messages to the masses.

the U.S. President was almost exclusively other people get a word in. More than 20 Retweets, the long-Trump showed him, especially conservative politicians praised to the skies. His achievements after two years were great, for example, wrote Ronna McDaniel, Chairman of the Republican party – the Rest: support for trump’s proposal for the release of the wall billion, to allow children of illegal immigrants, a longer stay in the country. Trumps suspected calculus from behind the Retweet Storm: and the party (finally) go on the Defensive and show that it is the Opposition, which is a compromise in the way.

the reason for the even Trumps unusually violent Eruption is likely to be increased pressure since the Shutdown of the government. It’s 800,000 civil servants will not be paid because of the Etatstreits. The blame on the Americans to push surveys to the President. The US President wants to get some air, he must try to drag the Opposition into the boat of the responsibility – especially since in the Russia affair, his other large construction site, nothing Positive to do.

relaxation with Donald Trump

in The evening, then at least, let the President and his 57 million followers, then a round of relaxation: On Sunday, the decisive semi-final games in Football took place to the sport, Trump commented also eager – and, thus, its gigantic sweeping blow, rounding off. Oh yeah, also his wife, he devoted one line: “A truly great First Lady, does not get the recognition it deserves.”

International press voices of the US Shutdown “Trump alienated the hard core of his followers, and sits between all chairs”

Since the weeks are 800,000 Federal employees without pay. The budget dispute is crippling the United States. The international press Trump and the Democrats fall through with their proposals.



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