Among Europeans the Germans have a very life expectancy, only the Eastern Europeans. This was the finding of one of the largest health studies in the world, the Global Burden of Disease Study (PDF), the results of which were published in the British journal The Lancet. For all of the world’s available sources have been worn to death rate and more than 8,200 data from 195 countries evaluated.

All of the questions in the Overview: What exactly is the results of the study? What is it? What is the role of the material Situation? The East German Länder lower the life expectancy? Our health care system is considered to be one of the best. How do they fit together? What exactly are the results of the study?

Global life expectancy between 1950 and 2017, rising by almost 50 percent. In Western Europe the life expectancy for newborns is now an average of 79.5 years (male) and 84.2 years (female). Germany is reported to be 78.2 and 83 years. Compared with all 22 Western European Nations, the German form of the life expectancy of men even. In the case of women only the UK and Denmark, with 82.7 worse. And over both sexes, considered, Germany is also in last place.

The longest in Europe, men live according to the study, in Switzerland, 82.1 years and for women in Spain, with 85.8 years. Also in the category of “life expectancy for 60-Year-old” Germany, together with Denmark, the Western European. Men in this age have in this country consider 21.6 years of age, women with 25.1 years.

Particularly the Numbers are drastically, however, for Eastern Europe. There, male newborns have an average life expectancy of only 66,5 years, female a from 77.2 years.

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What is it?

especially to your unhealthy lifestyle, says Pavel Grigoriev, a scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute for demographic research in Rostock, Germany. Compared to Mediterranean countries such as Spain or France cardiovascular prevalent diseases in this country that much stronger. The sun, in particular, to the diet. The Mediterranean cuisine is not based merely on many fish dishes, it also contains considerably more vegetables, salads, legumes and fruit. In Germany In calories while rich, fatty dishes. These include high tobacco and alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, Obesity.

the Germans are fatter than the EU average, and also stresses the demography expert Sabine Sütterlin, who has worked at the Berlin Institute for population and development over the life expectancy of the people. According to the statistics Agency Eurostat, the proportion of obese adults in this country is at 16.9 percent. The EU average is 15.9 percent. In Italy, the rate of the Obese is just 10.7 percent. In Norway amounted to 13.1 and in the Netherlands, 13.3 percent. Obesity is considered to be one of the biggest risk factors for premature death due to heart attack and stroke.

If the Greeks or the Spanish would so eat like the Germans, would it look like if your life expectancy is quite different, according to the health expert and SPD politician Karl Lauterbach. To experts, psychological factors such as life satisfaction, Serenity or hustle and bustle, the stress of everyday life, stressful working life from the point of view. But what of Northern Europe, the Benelux countries, the Scandinavian countries? There is far more in prevention and preventive medicine will be practiced, emphasizing Lauterbach. And a major role for the lower life expectancy in this country, the strong gap in games between the wealthy and the poor. The significantly lower life expectancy of people in precarious conditions drag the entire section down.

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What is the role of the material Situation?

A very important. In the Euro area the wealth was distributed only in Lithuania unequal than in Germany, said the aid organization Oxfam, referring to a report by the European Central Bank. And according to a study by the Robert Koch Institute men who live close to the poverty line or below the die, in this country, an average of 10.8 years earlier than the Wealthy. Men who live in precarious conditions, therefore have an average life expectancy of only is 70.1 years, in the case of the wealthy, it is, however, of 80.9 years. In women, the difference is about eight years – the poor come to 76.9, the wealthy of 85.3 years.

Disadvantaged call As the main reason for the tremendous differences between experts in a riskier health behaviour of the material. These include lack of exercise, poor diet, more alcohol, and – most importantly – a much higher consumption of tobacco. In bourgeois circles will hardly smoked, says Lauterbach. In the lower layers, however, people tended to health fatalism.

indifference towards the own body, to explain to the big difference in life expectancy, however, at most half, of the Chairman of the joint welfare Association, Rolf Rosenbrock,. From the point of view of the renowned health scientist who spent ten years in the German Council of economic experts on the assessment of developments in health care, dying, low-Income, also much earlier, “because of the psychological pressure due to the overall cramped living situation and usually worse working conditions, or unemployment, a negative impact on your life and the possibilities of the benefits”.

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the Eastern States to Lower the life expectancy?

The is undetectable. The Federal Statistical office, according to the inhabitants of Saxony come-Anhalt, with an average of 79,38 years on the nation’s lowest life expectancy. But on the other ranks is not about other Eastern countries, but also of Bremen and the Saarland to follow. Saxony, by contrast, is 80,82 years in the front area. The top tab is Baden-Württemberg with 81,85 years. The fact is, however, that this was always so. Before the turn there were East and West Germany in the life expectancy yet powerful apart. The mit environmental pollution as well as dietary habits. Much of the differences in access to medical progress was at times. So heart-vascular diseases treatable since the seventies in the West suddenly much better. A research leap that arrived in the East only after the opening of the border properly.

Our health care system applies To the above Link to copy

as one of the best. How do they fit together?

High health expenditure and many physician contacts do not have per se a high life expectancy. So US Americans are not doing on average older than people in Cuba or Costa Rica, although their country is the most expensive health care system in the world. 17.1 per cent of gross domestic product to flow there in the health. The old record-holder, Japan (men and 81.1 years; women of 87.2 years), it is just 10.2 percent. Moreover, the claim that Germany had one of the best health systems in the world, rather “political speech phrase” as a reality, says Lauterbach. In some areas, it was very good, but in others considerably less.

Great differences there were in this country about the supply in cities and in the country. The preventive medicine is miserable – especially on low-Income. And especially in the child age, the main risk would be tackled factors: sugar consumption and lack of exercise. “We need a completely different commitment.” The food policy must change, says Lauterbach. In Germany there are still no binding requirements for the reduction of sugar, fat and salt in ready meals is still the duty for the uniform nutrition labelling. Not to talk of a sugar tax in the UK. And Germany is in Europe now also the only country in the outdoor advertising for tobacco is allowed.

*This Text is published in a similar Form in the daily mirror.

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