How to respond to the movement of the yellow Vests ? Emmanuel Macron will announce Tuesday the creation of a ” high council for the climate “, composed of experts, says the Journal du dimanche (JDD), citing the Elysée palace. To be announced during the presentation of multi-annual programming of energy (EPP), the installation of this structure placed under the authority of the Prime minister, is intended “to generate less of tensions” on the “energy policy and its tax implications,” says the weekly Sunday.
It gives among its members Laurence Tubiana, ex-negotiator for France during COP21, Pascal Canfin, the president of WWF France, and of the personalities of the intergovernmental panel on climate change (Ipcc). The previous week, Édouard Philippe had dismissed the idea of a meeting with the intermediate bodies to build a ” social covenant of ecological conversion “, as requested by the number one of the CFDT, Laurent Berger. He believed that this was not what ” ask for the yellow Vests “.
the New course on the ecological transition
To meet the yellow Vests as to the proposals of some unions to open negotiations on social, Emmanuel Macron will ” give the cap on the ecological transition “, in front of the members of the national Council for ecological transition (CNTE), made up of elected representatives, trade unions, NGOS and associations, with the objective of making it ” acceptable “, explained the Élysée to the Agence France-Presse on Friday.
The High council for the climate will be “resourced” and able “to intervene in all public policies” with responsibility to ensure “the social and economic sustainability” of these policies, has completed the Elysium in the JDD. The weekly reports that the presidency confirms the increase in fuel taxes as of January 1, excluding ” a report “. According to him, “macronistes converted to the idea that there is a need to combine more” the unions, the associations for the defence of the environment, may be the agricultural unions and the civil society, with some yellow Vests.
Read also yellow Vests : less than protesters on Saturday 24 November, but more tensions
“The French say : Mr. President, we’re not able to make ends meet, and the president answers them : we will establish a high council, as you can imagine the disconnect,” has ironisé the spokesperson of LR Laurence Saillet. “We don’t need a species of high commission on I don’t know what to draw concrete conclusions from the problems”, has criticised Ian Brossat, head of the list from the PCF to the european. “There is already a national council for ecological transition, an environmental consultancy, a department of ecology… The climate does not need yet another committee, but strong measures to put in place the solution already known,” said on Twitter the director-general of Greenpeace France, Jean-François Julliard. The counsel for the environment Arnaud Gossement is also reserved. “This is contrary to what we had agreed to do during the Grenelle. Stop the committees théodules and foster a dialogue between the stakeholders themselves. A committee of experts will not quiet the anger of the yellow vests”.
Read also FORUM. Reinventing the dialogue around the ecological transition !
On the same topic in FORUM. Reinventing the dialogue around the ecological transition !