Today, every patient with insurance, turning to a medical organization may be asked to issue to it a certificate of incapacity (sick leave) in electronic format. Such sheets form in the automated system, put an electronic signature and send to employers and the social insurance Fund. Plus the fact that the employee does not need to include this tag in the personnel Department, and the doctor in this scheme has more time to devote to the patient.
Svetlana Lviv from Moscow asks: “I was sick and in the hospital I was issued an electronic hospital because it is convenient and encouraged by my employer. I was given a coupon with his number, but it so happened that he was lost. On the phone in a medical organization did not report the number of the electronic hospital. What do I do?”. As told “MK” in the social insurance Fund, in the clinic doing the right thing, not telling the sick list number on the phone: “So strangers can read your personal information. However, you have several ways to recover your number. First: you can go to the Personal account of a recipient of services, which is located on the Foundation’s website — FSS.ru. It contains information about all issued by you sick leave. Another option: you can download developed by the Fund application of the “Social Navigator”, in which, after logging in through the portal, you will be able to see not only the number of the national liberation army (e-certificate for incapacity for work), but a lot of other useful information. And finally, there is another way: you can contact the regional office of the Fund, where it is always ready to assist in obtaining the necessary information”.
Mikhail of Tver Masukin asks what to do if a paper sheet of disability made a mistake: “My daughter was issued a medical error in the last name. What if the doctor made a mistake when making paper the sick list?”. As noted in the Fund is certainly the case – anyone can make a mistake: “If you find errors in zthe filling paper of a leaf of invalidity, he is spoilt. Therefore the issuing medical institution is obliged to issue a duplicate to replace the broken document
We recommend to all to issue the Electronic certificate of incapacity, such as modern technologies allow to reduce the opportunity for the doctor to make a mistake.
paper and Electronic sick-lists have equal legal force, and only you can decide which hospital to choose.
Electronic sheet has a number of advantages over paper: it is impossible to ruin or lose, as a consequence, it is not necessary to spend your time and nerves to obtain a paper duplicate. Information on all issued electronic hospital is kept in the personal Cabinet of the citizen.
And it is also a big plus. There are occasions in life when it is necessary to confirm the periods of temporary disability (pregnancy and childbirth). This can be a controversial situation when confirmation of service, labour relations, pensions, “exclusion periods”, replace years to calculate sick leave and benefits in connection with motherhood, etc. Receiving the national liberation army, the citizen always in a mode on-line has proven data on all cases of his temporary disability, which allows if necessary to protect their legitimate interests. In addition, if the calculation of the paper form is usually a mystery for the employee with the exception of the final benefit amount received on a map, the calculation of the national liberation army, including the basis for calculation, application of percentage for length of service, calculation of average daily earnings, always transparent and accessible for citizens in the private office.
Watch the video on “Temporary order of registration of the sick for those who have returned from abroad” 01:27