History 11/03/20 Dmitry Lavrinenko: how he fought the best tank of the great Patriotic
Just two and a half months of fighting, the Second world was quite the tank crews under the command of D. F. Lavrinenko for the destruction of 52 enemy tanks. This index to the end of the war failed to beat any crew of the red Army
the birthplace of the future Hero of the Soviet Union Dmitry Lavrinenko Kuban stanitsa Fearless. Father was killed in the civil war, the mother raised her son alone. After graduating from teacher-training courses, Dmitri taught at farmstead school. According to his disciples, a young teacher was a talented teacher, students loved him.
First trooper, then tanker
the army Dmitry Lavrinenko joined voluntarily, he began service in the cavalry troops. In the late 30’s-early 40-ies after graduation from tank school took part in the movement of troops during the change of the geopolitical situation in the USSR, whereby the Soviet Union had annexed Western Ukraine and Bessarabia. Even then, the command is different from a young tanker in striving to master the technique and the presence of “sniper’s eyes”.
Retreat and re-form
in the Summer of 41 th D. F. Lavrinenko – platoon commander of a tank division mechanized corps stationed in one of the Ukrainian cities. Union, where he served as the future tank ACE for a long time participation in the fighting did not take away from the Western borders of the USSR. In one of the battles Lavrinenko tank was damaged, but the officer managed to convince the authorities not to throw a combat unit, and to send it to repair.In August the 41st Stalingrad formed the 4th tank brigade, whose commander was appointed Colonel M. E. Katukova. The Stalingrad tractor plant is put in a new brigade of tanks KV t T – 34, one of “the thirty” went to the crew Lavrinenko.
the First victoriess
the First four German tanks destroyed by the crew of Dmitry Lavrinenko, was armored group Guderian, their our tanks knocked out in the battles at Mtsensk in October 41 th. A group of four of the “thirty” under the command of Dmitry Fedorovich was suddenly attacked by an enemy tank connection, in that battle, Soviet tank destroyed fifteen units. The crew of Dmitry Lavrinenko in the battles at Mtsensk was hit, according to different data, from seven to nineteen Hitler’s tanks – an accurate accounting of damaged equipment then was not conducted.
As a tank Serpukhov defended
When the 4th tank brigade was transferred under Volokolamsk, Lavrinenko tank left to guard the headquarters of the 50th army, and he had not arrived at the place of dislocation of his joints – the road was filled by the retreating transport. While in Serpukhov, the crew Lavrinenko decided to shave in the barbershop. This delay played a crucial role in the defense of the city from the Germans. The Nazis took advantage of the fact that the outskirts of Serpukhov were almost opened, and sent in the direction of a large intelligence connection. Serpukhov defended only by the ineffective in the battle against fighter battalion consisting of the militia. After learning that the city is a Soviet T-34, the command crew ordered Lavrinenko to take up the defense and break into the column of Germans. After taking a comfortable position in the suburb of Serpukhov, the tankers waited for German intelligence and utterly broke it, shooting at close range. Case completed approached the militia of Istres battalion. Tankers assembled on the battlefield good trophies – weapons Serpukhov garrison was supplemented by anti-tank gun, which had full ammunition, a dozen motorcycles with sidecars, was also seized machine guns and mortars. Plus, together with the T-34 brigade headquarters arrived in the German bus, where the enemy documents and maps. Then all of this documentation Katukov was sent to the headquarters of the Supreme Commander.
the Fights Volokolamsk
In the area Sarmanovskogo springboard T-34 Lavrinenko was hit, wounded a gunner. Brigade, where he served as the Governor in these battles, suffered many combat deaths. In November the 41st three “thirty” platoon D. Lavrinenko included in the support units of the infantry regiment of a division of I. V. Panfilov. Near one of villages of the city district Soviet tanks knocked out seven tanks and Hitler freed the Germans from the town itself. Meanwhile, the German troops as a result of the maneuver came in the rear of the Soviet Riflemen. Lavrinenko decided, one of its tank hold and if possible to destroy a group of enemy tanks. In the course of the battle the crew of the T-34 knocked out six tanks of the eight. Then our “thirty” discreetly withdrew, allowing infantrymen to avoid encirclement. Through the day a large number of German tanks and infantry stormed the village Gusenevo, as a result of mortar shelling killed the legendary major General Panfilov. Shocked by this death, tankers Lavrinenko counter in a desperate fight destroyed seven enemy tanks. But soon to replace downed on the battlefield moved ten units, and Lavrinenko tank was hit by a shell. The entire crew of the T-34, except the commander, were killed.
Awarded half a century later,
Senior Lieutenant Lavrinenko 5 Dec 41 th year, was promoted to the rank of Hero of the Soviet Union. At that time the crews of the T-34 was already downed 37 enemy tanks. For 13 consecutive days, “thirty” Lavrinenko knocked out another 12, and 18 Dec heroic Soviet tank ACE was killed by a mine fragment. Posthumous D. F. Lavrinenko was awarded the order of Lenin. At the end of 60th year the burial place of D. F. Lavrinenko found Moscow schoolchildren, and the remains of the heroic tanker solemnly reburied in a mass grave. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union Lavrinenko after long bureaucratic delays assigned only in 1990. The name of hero named a school and street in his native the village and the streets in 5 cities, including in Moscow.
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