Hausham – The 33-year-old Haushamerin travelled with your Bicycle in the Brent road downhill in the direction of the centre of Hausham, such as the police inspection tells Miesbach. In the curve area of the woman then it got to the oncoming lane and crashed head-on into the Car of a 32-year-old Schlierseers. According to the police, the lady in the accident suffered “a significant injury in the leg” and had to be cared for by rescue workers. The damage to the car was estimated at 3000 Euro.

It turned out later that the cyclist had an Alcohol level of two parts per thousand. Then, a blood was arranged collection and a criminal case because of the hazard of road transport is initiated.

Only in the night from Wednesday to Thursday, a 20-year-old Skoda driver fled from the police.

also read: police want to ask man all of a sudden he pulls out an axe



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