Doe worries about the R-value continue – the R-value has been above the critical value of 1 for 3 days in a row, how are the current figures developing?
In the meantime 3 days the R-value is over 1, of course the 7 day R-value also increases. The daily R-value is now 1.11 – the 7-day value is now 0.87. How are the other numbers such as new infection and death rate developing in this situation – do they behave similarly to the R-value or do they even fall?
318 new infections were reported, but also 500 recovered! In the meantime, only 5500 people are actively infected with Corona in Germany! In total, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) recorded more than 184,500 people who ever contracted Covid-19 in Germany, 8,729 dead (+18 on the previous day) and more than 170,000 recovered people. In the management report of the Robert Koch Institute, there is no longer any information about the age of the youngest and oldest corona victims in Germany. However, older people, in particular, continue to die of Covid-19. 86 percent of the deceased are 70 years or older. This age group accounts for 19 percent of the known infections.