the smell of manure, pasture, tech, fly, cows, and the tinkling of their bells – the country life is only idyllic. In any case, not necessarily in front of the window. Therefore, a married couple from the upper Bavarian wood argues churches for years, with a farmer’s wife. Because when the Couple purchased the exclusive property in a picturesque location on the outskirts of town, browsed next door, still no cows. Then, however, the municipality leased the pasture to the farmer. Since then, no one finds more and more peace, although both sides want nothing else. The couple complains about the nightly chiming of the cowbells and also farmer’s wife Regina Killer wants, “and that, finally, is amal a Ruah”.
On Thursday, the farmer’s wife, which leads to a family of about three dozen cows got to court once more: The Munich district court II dismissed the action of the noise-sensitive wife. 2017 was already her husband, the the exclusive property belongs, before the court of first instance failed.
farmer claims: “This is a joke”
The woman was not the owner of the property, justified the presiding judge Christiane Karrasch, the re-dismissal of the action. The woman could have in the case, no further claims than her husband as the owner. The court doubted, moreover, that the use of Pasture impacted the neighbors excessive and not kept for “ortsunüblich”, as the wife made.
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“It is at least a stage win,” said the farmer’s wife Killer according to the judgment. You have geodelt because of a dispute only two Times (fertilized) and your cows as rarely as possible on the controversial willow sent. Here, of all places, will not be required that the animals of animal welfare are half in the barn, but the outside should browse. “The dairies demand, the consumer wants it and want to forbid it to me. This is a joke.”
crusade against the cow bells in upper Bavaria
The husband had failed with his crusade against the cow-bells before the regional court Munich II in the least because of a comparison he had made in 2015, with the farmer’s wife. On this comparison, the court referred again. Therefore, cows with bells should graze only in the at least 20 meters distant part of the pasture. The Couple but it was still too loud. It had brought about his lawyer Peter HART heart even electronic cowbells into the game. Such models, however, were to have been, according to the experts in Bavaria in the past summer only tested in more detail and to have not in the trade so far, on a regular basis. Preferably, however, the couple would have not only the bells, but also the cows – due to the “vermin” and the flying, flying around the cows.
The wife had not complained against the farmer, but also against the municipality, which has leased about one acre of pasture land. Mayor Olaf von Löwis (CSU) had referred to the process, a prelude to a fundamental importance of the case. The Definition of proper agriculture and for the farmer to make a living. “We are with the outcome as well as the extensive reasoning of the court, of course, very happy,” he said. Cows on pasture, and manure on the fields included in the rural area. He hoped that there was soon to be a satisfactory solution for all. “Of course I’m always ready to sit down with all Parties again to the table and to seek a solution,” he offered.
However, according to an amicable agreement, it is not. The husband is waiting for the second instance before the higher regional court (OLG) in Munich. Also, the woman is not likely to hold still. Lawyer hard heart could know, he wanted to wait before making a decision on a Revision of the verdict in the case but is likely to be up to the Federal court of justice.
Sabine Dobel / fs / DPA